During swim's encounters with spice, it is very common for him to experience this sort of vibrational energy inside his brain. It is present for the entire trip, but it becomes very focused and envelopes the whole mind very quickly randomly during the comedown. It is usually a very unpleasant experience. It's like certain thought processes will suddenly trigger it and the onset is so fast and overwhelming that it frightens swim. As swim was coming down from a particularly blissful trip tonight, this energy pulsed its way through swim's mind several times, and despite swim's attempts to relax and let it run its course, swim always tries and resists it in some way or another. It is difficult to describe exactly what it is like, but swim was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
some would call it Kundalini
or your CNS on overdrive
consciousness itself illuminated
coming alive
projecting from neuroelectric harmony
and the like.
+ Snakes + lightning bolts +