Quick update: eventually got to the point where adding FASA didnt produce more clouding. Left to settle, decanted and dried. Massive yield, around 7 grams fumarate from 250 g mhrb! Assumed some fumaric acid contamination, and still some xylene smell, so tried recrystallisation using minimal H2O. This took ages to evaporate and no crystals forming, so lost patience and used heat and a fan, resulting in rock hard clear reddish candy stuck to the plate. This scraped up to a tan powder. Still tastes a bit sour.
Dont want to use loads of acetone to wash it, but I noticed Downwardsfromzero recommends IPA/ethanol recrystallisation in another thread. Would methanol work? Im assuming fumaric acid stays in the solution and fumarates crystalise without having to evap all the alcohol(?). I just freebased 1.5g, hoping to get about a gram of freebase, but only got 600mg, so must have been some fumaric acid in there.
Anyway, heres some pics:
First photo; Decanted fumarates after xylene evaporation, some clumps of white, fine, hair-like crystals can be seen.
Second photo; Hard candy after water recrystalisation.
Third photo; Candy after scraping/chopping up.
ijahdan attached the following image(s):

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