hello fellow travelers. care to help? I've been swept up in an excitement over bufotenine in my mind.
the sodium carbonate, can be found as a mordant or as washing soda, correct? if not it looks like im baking some baking soda.
Fumaric acid is sold as a food additive, correct?
Acetone- I dont want to buy the lighter fluid of acetone, This is going to be more of an all me thing where I go to x stores looking at x containers of acetone looking for the 100% purity label.
D-Limonene- As a suppliment and as a cleaner, oil, ect. What is the best form for this? Jorkest's (thank you so much) has it weighted in as grams, so i'm guessing the solid form?
any help would be great.
I would suggest to forget D-limonene. In SWIM's experience, it's just help to mess things with nice orange smell. Better go for the MEK:hexane (or acetone:hexane) mix.
I second against limonene. It's rendered much extracts unsmokable for myself.