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mda (psychedelic?) vs mdma (euphoriant?) Options
#1 Posted : 9/14/2009 3:38:47 PM
hello out there,
im curious of the difference pharmacologically speaking concerning mda and mdma, i hear that mdma depletes serotonin for up to 2 weeks, does mda do the same
as far as experiences go ive heard mda is more psychedelic and less speedy, but ive hear the same from both sides concerning the difference of mdma and mda.
its indigenous roots are from the sasafrole useres?
id also like to hear of any experiences combing mda with a psychedelic, particularly if anyone has done it with any of the harmalas and lived to type about it right

any information concerning differences would be much appreciated
as would information on the specific pharmacology of mda
as would the history of sassafras and sassafrole users
and finally experiences and combinations

thanks a bunch
#2 Posted : 9/14/2009 10:27:10 PM
Ya, MDA is more psychedelic and also more neurotoxic than MDMA... After any apparent high is gone there is still stimulation. I would say from start to finish you're going to be affected for 8 hours. Some MDMA metabolises into MDA when you digest it, thats why MDMA can be somewhat trippy at higher doses. As far as serotonin goes you can eat the supplement 5-htp to replenish your brain. The visuals are very good by the way for MDA. So enjoy
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#3 Posted : 9/14/2009 10:35:02 PM
The second time I had "MDMA"..I had really nice closed eye visuals from it, lots of geometry..The first and third times I had "MDMA" it was nothing like that second time..AT ALL..and I have always suspected that it was MDA..It was a blue pill with an egyptian eye on it. I never did try MDMA again though so my only point of reference for camparison is my first and third time..wish I knew what was in that pill though...and I never ever took a high dose.
Long live the unwoke.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#4 Posted : 9/25/2009 5:10:30 AM
SWIM recently happened upon some pills that seem to be relatively high in MDA (to SWIM and to his FOAF who has much more experience and know-how when it comes to pills). SWIM took them very late in the evening, and they kept him up much longer than he would have expected from most pills he's taken. There was definitely a stronger psychedelic quality to them. Unfortunately, SWIM mostly wasted the evening on an attempt to become more sociable; he would have rather spent the evening at home in his own environment with just his wife. Every time SWIM rolls (once in a blue moon), he gets further away from the whole rave or party aspect and closer to the more psychedelic and therapeutic aspect, especially since seeing Dan Deacon live, and especially since his more recent experience with MDA. SWIM still prefers the more wild and insightful psychedelics for more frequent explorations, but enjoys broadening his experience with such things.
#5 Posted : 9/25/2009 8:45:32 AM
You will inevitably end up in the hospital due to ODing, possibly death.
Also there is a big difference between MDMA, MDA, and ecstasy. Ecstasy, you never really know whats in it..anything from pipecleaner to meth to ketamine. So unless you got your own chemical lab, or know someone who does, your guess is as good as mine. There are tests that show if it does contain some form of MDMA/MDA(people who make pills out of pipecleaner do it because its cheap and prob wont put any MDMA in it) so its useful but still leaves you guessing.
Depending on dosage, you can go from no brain damage(not yet tested..planning on discussing this with charles grobb if/when i meet him(google him he does a ton of tests on mdma and therapeutic uses) to permanent damage to neurotransmitters. You know when you've seen someone who's burned out from too much E. what it does is it floods your brain with serotonin which gives the desirable "ecstasy" effects...however, your brain does not have enough serotonin left to function normally. Have heard one theory that dopamine accidentally falls into the serotonin part of the brain and burns everything it touches...also have heard that due to lack of serotonin our neurotransmitters etc. get highly damaged. Bottom line, the more you take, the damage done multiplies. And, when you combine it with an MAOI/RAMI(such as harmaline)..its kinda like emptying your bathtub filled with water into your sink....not a good idea...as for combinations...check out erowid they have a whole section for reports on combinations...
and as said by 1992, 5-HTP helps. Sorry i wasn't able to better remark on MDA VS MDMA..never really got into it because chances are you're not buying those..you're buying ecstasy..and that, is always a surprise.
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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#6 Posted : 9/25/2009 7:02:23 PM
^ very true about ecstacy..the first time I had "MDMA" it was a yellow pill that a very close friend gave to me durring an all night drum cirlce..she got it from her bf who I am also close to but not as close..I dunno where he got it but found out later there was some heroin in itShocked..I also ate some mushrooms while the pill was peaking..and I felt damn good all night,like REAL friggin good..but sorta shitty all the next day and the next night..

THe second time was what I think might have been MDA..actaully I took it for 2 nights in a row in the woods, with mushrooms the secong night..and whatever that stuff was it was psychedelic, only lasted about 6 hours and was beautiful..especially with the mushrooms the second night..

The third and last time I was given pure MDMA..It was a gift from 2 witches I know, one of them is older and knows a chemist that makes very pure liquid LSD..and she wont take anyone else's acid so I know she is picky when it comes to synthetics..and it was amazing..I only took half of the dose and it forever changed the way I see rave culture. I would probabily take it again one day if I could verify it comming from the same source..I have alot of respect for real MDMA, I have always been a real shy, introverted person and dont talk much or anything in public, I went through all of high school like that..MDMA knocked me off that train and really let me feel free and DANCE!..but I wouldnt take it more than once a year.

Each time I have taken it as well was at least a year apart so I never had any residual seratonin problems..but I have a close friend and she bought a bunch of white MDMA powder once and was doing it alot and did have some of those problems and took 5-htp durring that time..but I did see the positive changes the MDMA had on her..and when she ran out she stopped using it and went back to weekly LSD without any troubles.
Long live the unwoke.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#7 Posted : 9/25/2009 7:15:55 PM
Actually know that I think about it someoone gave me water to drink durring a mushroom trip at a bonfire once because they said I looked like I was dehydrated..I took a hige mouthful..and it had MDMA in it..I wanted to break his jaw but I didn't...I had only met him that night and knew I never had to see that person again anyway so I just went with it.

Once I got over it I was actaully feeling real good...it really opened me up..in a good and bad way. There was a girl there that I really liked at the time..and she was always trying to talk to me and hang out whenever I saw her, but I was sort of freinds with her BF through other friends..so I tried to stay away. I thought he treated her like shit and that night it was like all these boarders came down and I was really flirting with her alot..and I felt so good, but also sort of delusional about it all..She wasn't on MDMA or any psychedelics so whatever connection I thought there was probabily wasn't real, she was just drunk...so I quickly got out of there and spent the rest of the night alone walking around in the woods until i came down...kinda sucked.

If I take it again, I want to take it with other people who are on that level.
Long live the unwoke.
Senior Member
#8 Posted : 9/25/2009 7:44:50 PM
Most people who think they had MDMA, actually had MDEA.
In the nineties, XTC got real popular and MDEA was still legal. Many companies produced MDEA and sold tons of it wich was sold at parties and other places as MDMA.

The differences are not that big, wich counts for many of the other derivates (MDPA, MBDM, methylone, etc.) as well. Though MDMA and MDEA where realy the best of all the MD's.

MDMA causes less stimulation then MDEA. (wich is also the reason why it was often sold at raveparty's)
MDMA also gives a warmer feeling.

If you ever had realy good XTC, wich made you very active and speedy, very clear in the head, wich felt very clean, it was probably MDEA.

If your XTC was a little more mellow and relaxed, then it was probably MDMA.
MDMA doesn't cause that much stimulation, normally. It's only when people on it hear loud music, that they feel the stimulation as an urge to start dancing.

The best alternative for all the MD's is a less then psychedelic dose of peyote, combined with caapi and caffeine.
Peyote has no health hazards at all, lasts longer and you don't need to have it tested first.
#9 Posted : 9/25/2009 8:28:51 PM
I have taken MDMA many times, but MDA only once. The MDA is definitely more psychedelic. I got some very nice CEVs much like those I've got from acid. I would say that in the context of a club/festival/party etc, from my point of view, MDMA is more appropriate. MDA has a lot less stimulant effects and seems to be more sedating. For this reason, I don't think its as much of a social drug as MDMA. It seems it would lend itself better to a more private environment where it can be explored without the distraction of loads of people, loud music etc.


#10 Posted : 9/25/2009 8:46:52 PM
I have never tried it because i know will be purchasing ecstasy, not MDMA. I also dont trust white powders which are from "A REALY GOOD HOOK ITS LEGIT" no matter the price. IF you take a lot of ecstasy, you will get more knowledgable with what is in the pills you took. Also, a lot of people get confused with what is what. Real MDMA feels very natural and very pure, you dont get realy intense stimulation/rushes etc.(why a lot of pills are cut with ephedrine of meth or the like) because its desired at raves etc. to be up all night dancing.

Now, remember, MDMA didn't start out as a party drug. It was more so something shared with friends. It opened you up to be understanding and loving etc., so it was great when shared with people close to you(many people do it with their SO), also because of these effects, it was used therapeutically. It started getting widespread and the feeling of "ecstasy" was then turned materialistic and thrown into parties*sigh*.

Please when posting about ecstasy, post what you believe to be in it, because saying you took "MDMA" is really a rare opportunity unless you have a DIRECT connection to the ingredients going into it, and if you noticed the effects in a pill, it was probably mixed with something else.
"We are the analogies we believe." - PerPLexED

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#11 Posted : 9/25/2009 9:47:19 PM
PerPLexED wrote:
I have never tried it because i know will be purchasing ecstasy, not MDMA. I also dont trust white powders which are from "A REALY GOOD HOOK ITS LEGIT" no matter the price. IF you take a lot of ecstasy, you will get more knowledgable with what is in the pills you took. Also, a lot of people get confused with what is what. Real MDMA feels very natural and very pure, you dont get realy intense stimulation/rushes etc.(why a lot of pills are cut with ephedrine of meth or the like) because its desired at raves etc. to be up all night dancing.

Now, remember, MDMA didn't start out as a party drug. It was more so something shared with friends. It opened you up to be understanding and loving etc., so it was great when shared with people close to you(many people do it with their SO), also because of these effects, it was used therapeutically. It started getting widespread and the feeling of "ecstasy" was then turned materialistic and thrown into parties*sigh*.

Please when posting about ecstasy, post what you believe to be in it, because saying you took "MDMA" is really a rare opportunity unless you have a DIRECT connection to the ingredients going into it, and if you noticed the effects in a pill, it was probably mixed with something else.

like i said.
If it's very stimulating, it's probably MDEA.
MDEA feels almost exactly the same as MDMA. There's nothing that comes as close to it as MDEA.
Yet, it has slightly more noradrenergic and dopaminergic effects and is therefore more stimulating.
For this reason it, and because it was a legal substance in many countries until mid 90's, it was often used at dance events.

It is still sold as MDMA sometimes, because it is very much like real MDMA and more stimulating.

If nowadays you got something that is very much like real MDMA, it's probably another analog, because there are still many legal analogues that are sold cheap by rc-companies.

MDMA is surounded by myth's. Many of the alternative's are just as good as the real thing.
#12 Posted : 9/25/2009 10:27:39 PM
IT is, but back to the op, you got any good info comparing all the forms? Along with effects, how it affects the brain, whatever you got to offer. erowid probably has good info on each to its own, but doesn't realy get specific as to each(i dont think) although you can always find reports online comparing them./
"We are the analogies we believe." - PerPLexED

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