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Stramonium and cannbis or inoxia and cannabis? Options
#21 Posted : 9/6/2009 3:10:18 AM
Ron, does swiy think its effects would be felt with only 5 seeeds? or should swim take all 10 as to not waste them?
#22 Posted : 9/6/2009 3:23:55 AM
SWIM has more experience with D. stramonium. D. inoxia is about 1/2 as potent. With D. stramonium 3 seeds are usually enough for potentiation of most psychedelics, but it’s a stimulant. Sometimes 5 are needed. D. inoxia is a sedative. They are very different. The main alkaloid of D. stramonium is hyoscyamine, and the main alkaloid of D. inoxia is scopolamine.

I think 6-10 D. inoxia seeds would be a better dose for potentiation of other substances, since they are roughly 1/2 the potency of D. stramonium. But I don’t really know. That dosage range is completely safe and without negative effects on the mind. You’ll notice a slight sedative feeling and that’s about it. SWIM has only used D. inoxia about a dozen times, and he doesn’t smoke cannabis, so it’s really hard to say what amount is needed for cannabis potentiation. SWIM tried D. inoxia with mescaline, and with bufotenine, and it mostly introduced a lazy feel to the experience, and didn’t seem to potentiate them, but he only used 3 seeds, and I don’t think that’s enough. Others have used 10 seeds and felt potentiation of mescaline.

I think with only 10 seeds, it’s best to try all 10. If you used 6, that might be just enough and then the leftover 4 wouldn’t be enough to do anything.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#23 Posted : 9/6/2009 5:02:22 AM
swims reading some reports on Datura and people are taking anywhere from 300-500 seeds, are they talking about the same Datura?
#24 Posted : 9/6/2009 5:52:31 AM
yes they take the same daturas and others also,but they take them because they want the crazy deleriant effects by themselves which could kill you. Most here take for psychedelic potentiation and to relieve nausea and other side effects other psychedelics may cause.
#25 Posted : 9/6/2009 6:28:19 AM
The reports swim are reading are really insane.... doesnt seem like an enlightening experience. Though it does seem like an experience worth experiencing. Glad too know people are taking so many though, swim feels alot more comfortable chewing on 5-10 now Smile
#26 Posted : 9/18/2009 6:03:51 PM
I have now tried cannabis with some 14 seeds of datura inoxia. The main effect I got from it was a little tiredness and other than that I saw some crystal clear moving pictures just before falling asleep lasting a little longer than usual (Happens very rarely in my ordinary state and only for a maximum of 2-3 seconds ).
Nothing on the dream front though, most of the time I wont dream when on cannabis (or maybe I just forget them).

Will try the seeds by them self someday and see if they affect my dreams.

Probably wont try this combo again.

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