downwardsfromzero wrote:^ Sand would still have produced the freebase during the synthesis at some point. Plus it need not have been freebase for the hotplate to provide the inspiration.
Your right...the inspiration could have simply been inspired by the incident.
Though the triboluminescence related to LSD and the piezoluminescence related to DMT still interest me.
With LSD, it is known, that as a pure salt, when shaken in a dark room, the LSD will emit small flashes of white light, this sounds like standard triboluminescent behavior...
However, this:
Quote:Sand and a lab colleague were the first people to notice that DMT exhibits piezoluminescence: when hardened DMT that had collected in a tray was being chipped out with a hammer and screwdriver in a brightly lit room, the blows emitted massive amounts of colored light. sounds a little bit more incredible, and if DMT does in fact exhibit piezoluminescence, I am very curious about it...
I have not noticed emission of light in response to pressure regarding DMT, however, this could have been a salt of DMT, and it was obviously a decent quantity which was being struck, and I'll admit that I have not struck large quantities of DMT with a hammer or screwdriver before...