Hello everyone, I'm doing my first grow and everything has gone swimmingly except what I assume to be hyphal knots are not advancing into pins it seems. AFAIK I have fae, temp, humidity, and light right. Just some info: I have 2 air stones going in 2 cups of water, I mist and fan 3-4 times a day for 30 seconds, the temp is at ~75-78°, the humidity is around 99-100% and when it gets any more humid I let it go back down, and I got a blue led light since the pictures.
I read that the cakes shrinking in away from its container is a sign of dehydration (this is happening a little as you can see in the pictures) and leads me to think a simple dunk and roll would work. Would that work and not mess up the hyphal knots or anything else for that matter? Any other suggestions?
I'm learning a lot about pinning triggers. I think I need a more marked reduction in temp from colonizing to fruiting too.
Thanks for reading!
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(3,807kb) downloaded 43 time(s). "Trust in your own wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited." -Gracie and Zarkov
in plants we trust