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caapi leaves - vulcano vaporizer Options
#1 Posted : 1/19/2017 9:31:13 PM

has anyone here tried to vaproize caapi leaves in a vulcano?

i am wondering what temperature I should set, how much i should use and what effect to expect.

#2 Posted : 1/20/2017 3:53:57 AM
In my experience Harmalas don't vape very well. I never got it to work in a vaporizer, both straight leaf and extracted harmalas.

Your better off smoking them in a bong or joint.
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
#3 Posted : 1/20/2017 6:52:11 AM
while the effects are mild on their own, i have had wonderful success vaping 10x Caapi in a "Crafty" vaporizer prior to vaping some freebase spice in a GVG. nothing at all like sublingual effects, yet the synergy was obvious.

i fill the bowl of the Crafty, set it at 400f and take anywhere between 3-5 hits a few minutes prior to using the GVG.

i would suspect the Volcano would be even more effective than the Crafty as the temp on the Crafty fluctuates pretty significantly. yet, it is simple, easy and works!
#4 Posted : 1/22/2017 8:29:59 AM
yeserday i vaped about 250mg of caapi leaves in my vulcano at just above 214°C
i filled up 2 medium sized balloons
the effect started to kick in about 5 minutes later. from there on the onset was very pleasant and steep.

vaped 40mg of spice 10-15minutes later.
what would have been normally 10-15 minutes until i am back to base line ended up taking almost 50 min

so i would say it worked really well, especially considering that i only filled 2 balloons, i am not sure how much more would have been in the caapi
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