Cakes...Please...take a centrum silver and a sip of olde nerve tonic.
Yes, you have not only touched a nerve but have decidedly rubbed it the wrong way. Blind categorization of someone by someone who BY NOW should know better always will.
And the "Spice" IS a specific chemical: n,n-Dimethyltryptamine. It is what this forum was built on. Yes, there are analogues(bufotenine, psylocin, etc) so your assumption isn't flawed but they are discussed elsewhere in this forum. This section is for DMT only and we refer to it as SPICE. After the DUNE reference.(google it)
All I am saying is do some homework before stating 'facts' or 'opinions'. I don't care how well you can bake an apple pie. You can't psychoanalyze someone from a few words in a forum-post. If you are vain enough to think you can then you deserve our derision. If not, then please. Let it go. I will. I'd like to be friends. This is typically a very happy place full of well meaning souls eager to share and learn.
So lets move on. Now, how 'bout that trip report...
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung