The Real Singularity is Now.
Not in the past, nor in the future.
Eternity awaits us, for time can be stopped.
This is because experience is time.
Magnify conscious experience, time slows down -
we realize that reality is somehow infinite in its depth. (From Book: Magic Mushroom Explorer, by Simon G Powell)
The only viable option it seems to me is eternal vigilance,
because in reality there is no end, no beginning - these are concepts we should discard,
for these ideas compel us to seek something beyond Now, which is all there is, and not even so.
There is not even eternity -
nothing whatsoever on which to cling.
You are 'the void' and not even so.
Be gone with thyself!
As a side note:
I've noticed that the more intense my energies develop over the course of my semen conservation practice the faster time seems to speed by. Yet, simultaneously, I am
not a loss to explain what I did during this time. It's not a blackoutness, but a vivid everythingness that increases proportionally (with ups and downs of course but over the long run the trend is positively sky bound) the longer I keep up my practice. I'm extremely productive, but without desiring to be. When I want to move I move without hesitation. When I want to sit and watch, I can do so without having had to feel like I planned to. I'm finding out I've been trying to control my breathing way too much during meditation. It's curious. I feel as though I'm disappearing to myself, and you might think that is saying too much, and you would be right.
These experiences lead me to the idea (just an idea) that one's perception of time is related to the intensity of one's energies. If you are enjoying yourself in life you are not wondering what time it is or where else you should be other than where you are now. If energies are feeble or otherwise suboptimal then you won't be as thrilled to invest what energies you do have into whatever it is you are or want to be doing. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly obvious to me how important it is we pay attention to how we manage our energies. Why didn't they teach us this stuff when we were children?
Whether we are talking about different types of energy currencies such as money management, time management, sex energy management, etc, it makes no difference - the principle is the same. Biological or abstract, awareness of what comes in and what goes out depends not so much as paying attention to what comes in as to what goes out, if you know what I mean. Life comes from within, from a center outward, all by itself. Get out of your own way and it'll happen. It's that way with money, and it's the same with deciding what to concentrate on (Steve Jobs once said "success is about saying no!"

, and it also seems to be the same, with what little experience I've accumulated so far, with what happens to our base, or sexual, energies, when simply conserved combined with mental discretion and mindfulness.
The energy just seems to build and invest itself into whatever by itself, or as the Chinese would say in their language, "self-so". All you have to do is say no.
I found a quote recently that, though so simple, was for me on the level of a revelation.
"He who cannot obey himself will be commanded." - Nietchze.
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