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L-synergide, or super acid. Options
ModeratorChemical expert
#41 Posted : 8/5/2016 8:46:03 PM
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:

So, say you want to increase the entactogenic properties of MDA, MDMA, 2C-B, etc...but don't want to do anything in the way of altering the mental effects of the compounds, it would seem that 2-methyl-DMT would be a prime candidate, as the qualitative comments below elucidate:


(with 50 mg, orally) "There was tingling everywhere but it faded after about three hours. Nothing else."

(with 75 mg, orally) "Very mild stomach rumbling during the first hour, with no other effects until the 65 minute point. Then there was the onset of as very mild relaxed feeling followed by intermittent skin alerting, especially on the head and neck. No visuals. Sexual activity at 90 minutes showed marked enhancement of both the pre-climactic and orgasmic phase, which was confirmed by repeat activity at 120 and 180 minutes. When I switched on TV to a familiar news announcer, I thought that he had a cold because his voice sounded lower than normal, and throaty. Later I picked up a phone to call a friend and both the dial tone and the touch-tones sounded very unusual. Music at this point sounded normal, but I am sure that some tonal perception was altered by this drug. The effects seemed almost gone by 4 hours and were undetectable by 5 hours. Appetite seemed unaffected throughout, and dinner at the 5-hour point was very good. No GI problems occurred, and there were no after effects the next day."

(with 90 mg, orally) "The entire body was becoming activated (in a good way) but not much going on in the head. I am mentally clear but with the entire touch system a bit more activated than I would choose. This peaked at 3 hours, and was gone in another 3 hours. Everything is tactile."shulgin;TIHKAL

...I'm honestly surprised that that 2-me-DMT has never been seen as an admixture compound in pressed MDMA pills...

Just in the interests of clarification, one should make a clear distinction between entactogens and tactile enhancement. The entactogenic effects of MDMA refer to its enabling of emotional insight - a "touching within". Tactile enhancement may be another effect of MDMA but that's not what entagtogenicity is about. This is a common misapprehension and we should be wary of the misuse of this terminology.

For tactile enhancement, try... tincture of nutmeg Wink
Easier than synthing or otherwise obtaining 2-Me-DMT, methinks.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#42 Posted : 8/6/2016 12:59:41 PM
downwardsfromzero wrote:
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:

So, say you want to increase the entactogenic properties of MDA, MDMA, 2C-B, etc...but don't want to do anything in the way of altering the mental effects of the compounds, it would seem that 2-methyl-DMT would be a prime candidate, as the qualitative comments below elucidate:


(with 50 mg, orally) "There was tingling everywhere but it faded after about three hours. Nothing else."

(with 75 mg, orally) "Very mild stomach rumbling during the first hour, with no other effects until the 65 minute point. Then there was the onset of as very mild relaxed feeling followed by intermittent skin alerting, especially on the head and neck. No visuals. Sexual activity at 90 minutes showed marked enhancement of both the pre-climactic and orgasmic phase, which was confirmed by repeat activity at 120 and 180 minutes. When I switched on TV to a familiar news announcer, I thought that he had a cold because his voice sounded lower than normal, and throaty. Later I picked up a phone to call a friend and both the dial tone and the touch-tones sounded very unusual. Music at this point sounded normal, but I am sure that some tonal perception was altered by this drug. The effects seemed almost gone by 4 hours and were undetectable by 5 hours. Appetite seemed unaffected throughout, and dinner at the 5-hour point was very good. No GI problems occurred, and there were no after effects the next day."

(with 90 mg, orally) "The entire body was becoming activated (in a good way) but not much going on in the head. I am mentally clear but with the entire touch system a bit more activated than I would choose. This peaked at 3 hours, and was gone in another 3 hours. Everything is tactile."shulgin;TIHKAL

...I'm honestly surprised that that 2-me-DMT has never been seen as an admixture compound in pressed MDMA pills...

Just in the interests of clarification, one should make a clear distinction between entactogens and tactile enhancement. The entactogenic effects of MDMA refer to its enabling of emotional insight - a "touching within". Tactile enhancement may be another effect of MDMA but that's not what entagtogenicity is about. This is a common misapprehension and we should be wary of the misuse of this terminology.

For tactile enhancement, try... tincture of nutmeg Wink
Easier than synthing or otherwise obtaining 2-Me-DMT, methinks.

Thank you for clarifying.

I assumed that it was referring to the "tactile" effects, referring to the physical sensations produced compound, hence entactogen (enTACTogen ; tactile ; a compound which induces tactile enhancements)...

Though I can realize my misunderstanding, I had always considered enhanced empathy and emotions as being part of the compounds psychedelic effects, or perhaps if one were to make further distinction you could call these "empathogenic" effects....which turns out are synonymous with entactogenic effects, though I initially misunderstood this...

As for the 2-me-DMT as a tactile enhancement agent, the benefits over nutmeg tincture involve the fact that nutmeg tincture comes complete with physical distress and added psychoactive effects, where with 2-me-DMT you are obtaining pure tactile enhancement, without changing much else.

...I'm certain that 2-me-DMT would do wonders in combination with MDMA, MDA, MDE, 2C-B, 3,4-methylenedioxy-methcathinone, 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone, 2-ethylamino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)propan-1-one, alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, 2-methylamino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)butan-1-one, and so on...

#43 Posted : 8/6/2016 1:02:49 PM
dragonrider wrote:
So basically, the only thing standing in between us doing some actual tests, is some kind of chart that shows the relative strength of all known LSD analogue's.
Relative to, say, LSD.

So if we would know that for instance eth-LAD is 150% as strong as 1P-LSD, we would know what reasonably to expect when combining the two. If then, a combination of 100ug 1P and 75ug of eth-Lad, would be stronger than 250ug of 1P, we could conclude that there is indeed, a powerfull synsergistic effect going on.

I guess that 1P is about as potent as LSD itself. If eth-LAD is active at 20ug, where LSD is active at 50ug only, does mean that you could say that eth-LAD is 250% as strong as LSD is, or is this dose dependant?

This may interest you as well:

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ In human volunteers, 198 trials were made to determine the threshold dose for recognition of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and the effect upon this of chlorpromazine and phenoxybenzamine. The threshold dose of LSD was determined to be 20 ug or 0.260 to 0.295 ug/kg. Chlorpromazine, in a dose of 25 mg., given 30 min beforehand or phenoxybenzamine, in a 10 mg. dose, given at the same time blocked recognition of the dose of LSD, i.e., raised the threshold. The same dose of chlorpromazine when given at the same time as or 30 minutes after LSD did not block recognition. Neither chlorpromazine in this dosage nor phenoxybenzamine in doses up to 30 mg. had any significant physiologic or subjective effect. The results suggest that the mechanisms through which these compounds block the recognition of LSD are different from those producing their peripheral autonomic effects.
[Murphree HB; Clin Pharmacol Ther 3: 314-20 (1962)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ Thirty-six LSD doses of 0.08-0.73 ug/kg (6-40 ug total dose) were administered orally to humans either just prior to sleep or 1 hr after onset of sleep. All night EEGs and EOGs were recorded on control nights, on nights when LSD was administered, and frequently on nights following those in which the drug was given ...On 21 nights following administration of LSD a prolongation of either the first or second REMS period was observed. Additional alterations were: (a) occurrence of brief REMS bursts interrupting phases of SWS; (b) general curtailment of REMS periods subsequent to a prolonged REMS period; (c) increased body movements and arousals frequently occurring in relation to REMS. ... Certain neurophysiological similarities during LSD induced awake hallucinatory activity and "dreaming" sleep (REMS) are reviewed. The possible relationship of LSD neuropharmacological action to the hypothetical neurohumoral mechanism underlying REMS is considered.
[Muzio JN et al; Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 21 (4): 313-24 (1966)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ In volunteer studies, panic reactions, HPPD /hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder/, and extended psychoses were noted. When the drug was used for alleviation of anxiety and personality abnormalities, flashbacks and extended psychosis were reported.
[Goldfrank, L.R., Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies 9th Ed. 2011., McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., p. 1173] **PEER REVIEWED**

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ Intraocular pressure in human volunteers given LSD 1 ug/kg orally rose less than 2 mm Hg.
[Grant, W.M. Toxicology of the Eye. 3rd ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1986., p. 569] **PEER REVIEWED**

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ Forty-six users of LSD were compared with 31 controls on a test of color discrimination an average of 2 years after their last exposure to the drug. This study suggests that some users of LSD may have a sustained or irreversible impairment in color discrimination.
[ABRAHAM HD; BR J PSYCHIATRY 140: 518-20 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract


#44 Posted : 8/6/2016 5:04:40 PM
Eth-LAD does sound very interesting. I think i'm gonna try eth-LAD by itself first, and then an Eth-LAD/1P combo. Before proceding with this idea, i want to experience for myself whether combined LSD analogues produce the same synergistic effect that i experienced with the 1P/seeds combo. If i'll experience a synergy, i'm going to repeat this procedure with other lysergamides like Al-LAD as well.

I've recently was made aware btw, of the fact that there are actually blotters circulating, wich carry a combination of two different lysergamides.

Looks like there are some other folks out there, who also believe that there is a synergistic effect between different lysergamides.
ModeratorChemical expert
#45 Posted : 8/7/2016 3:40:16 PM
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:


(with 50 mg, orally) "There was tingling everywhere but it faded after about three hours. Nothing else."

(with 75 mg, orally) "[...] When I switched on TV to a familiar news announcer, I thought that he had a cold because his voice sounded lower than normal, and throaty. Later I picked up a phone to call a friend and both the dial tone and the touch-tones sounded very unusual. Music at this point sounded normal, but I am sure that some tonal perception was altered by this drug.[...]"


Thank you for clarifying.

I assumed that it was referring to the "tactile" effects, referring to the physical sensations produced compound, hence entactogen (enTACTogen ; tactile ; a compound which induces tactile enhancements)...

Though I can realize my misunderstanding, I had always considered enhanced empathy and emotions as being part of the compounds psychedelic effects, or perhaps if one were to make further distinction you could call these "empathogenic" effects....which turns out are synonymous with entactogenic effects, though I initially misunderstood this...

Easy mistake to make. The "en-" prefix refers to the internal nature of the "-tacto-" touching. Maybe not the best pharmacological term ever coined!

As for the 2-me-DMT as a tactile enhancement agent, the benefits over nutmeg tincture involve the fact that nutmeg tincture comes complete with physical distress and added psychoactive effects, where with 2-me-DMT you are obtaining pure tactile enhancement, without changing much else.


I'm betting you've never even tried nutmeg tincture... Physical distress seems to come from large doses of whole nutmeg powder. Low doses of nutmeg tincture provide sensory enhancement without physical distress, for me at least. Other psychoactive effects are minimal, apart from some mood elevation. At slightly higher doses of the tincture, nutmeg's reputation as an aphrodisiac comes across as being entirely deserved. This action is across a wider sphere than that reported for 2-MeDMT, however - although I'm certainly not complaining Wink

But maybe it is better that everyone believes nutmeg to be either useless or deeply unpleasant.

If 2-MeDMT really does consistently enhance tactile sense to the exclusion of other effects then that in itself is very interesting. I have highlighted above in one of the reports that interpretation of sound was affected - in combination with other substances this auditory effect could become more pronounced. And there's only one way to find out...

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#46 Posted : 8/8/2016 2:33:17 PM
downwardsfromzero wrote:
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:


(with 50 mg, orally) "There was tingling everywhere but it faded after about three hours. Nothing else."

(with 75 mg, orally) "[...] When I switched on TV to a familiar news announcer, I thought that he had a cold because his voice sounded lower than normal, and throaty. Later I picked up a phone to call a friend and both the dial tone and the touch-tones sounded very unusual. Music at this point sounded normal, but I am sure that some tonal perception was altered by this drug.[...]"


Thank you for clarifying.

I assumed that it was referring to the "tactile" effects, referring to the physical sensations produced compound, hence entactogen (enTACTogen ; tactile ; a compound which induces tactile enhancements)...

Though I can realize my misunderstanding, I had always considered enhanced empathy and emotions as being part of the compounds psychedelic effects, or perhaps if one were to make further distinction you could call these "empathogenic" effects....which turns out are synonymous with entactogenic effects, though I initially misunderstood this...

Easy mistake to make. The "en-" prefix refers to the internal nature of the "-tacto-" touching. Maybe not the best pharmacological term ever coined!

As for the 2-me-DMT as a tactile enhancement agent, the benefits over nutmeg tincture involve the fact that nutmeg tincture comes complete with physical distress and added psychoactive effects, where with 2-me-DMT you are obtaining pure tactile enhancement, without changing much else.


I'm betting you've never even tried nutmeg tincture... Physical distress seems to come from large doses of whole nutmeg powder. Low doses of nutmeg tincture provide sensory enhancement without physical distress, for me at least. Other psychoactive effects are minimal, apart from some mood elevation. At slightly higher doses of the tincture, nutmeg's reputation as an aphrodisiac comes across as being entirely deserved. This action is across a wider sphere than that reported for 2-MeDMT, however - although I'm certainly not complaining Wink

But maybe it [i]is[/s] better that everyone believes nutmeg to be either useless or deeply unpleasant.

If 2-MeDMT really does consistently enhance tactile sense to the exclusion of other effects then that in itself is very interesting. I have highlighted above in one of the reports that interpretation of sound was affected - in combination with other substances this auditory effect could become more pronounced. And there's only one way to find out...

The auditory effect was only noted in a single entry, and may not be all that common...

however, I was reminded of compounds like N,N-Diisopropyl-tryptamine (DIPT), which is generally an auditory compound*, however I can't think of a situation where auditory distortion would be a desired added effect to another compound...

Nutmeg contains some fascinating compounds*, some of which can be converted to active psychedelics simply by an amine grouping...

a related shulgin experiment:
There were a few interesting experimental trials that were based on these natural oils. Methoxyeugenol was assayed up to a 10 milligram level, and asarone at up to a 70 milligram level, and neither had any effects at all. And, in an attempt to challenge the "oil-to-amphetamine" concept, I made up a mixture of 1 part MDA, 2 parts TMA and 5 parts MMDA. A total of 100 milligrams of this combination (which I had named the "Pseunut Cocktail" for pseudo-nutmeg) should be equivalent to the safrole, elemicin and myristicin that would be in 5 grams of nutmeg. And 100 milligrams indeed produced quite a sparkle and considerable eye-dilation. But then, I have never taken 5 grams of nutmeg, so I cannot make any comparisons.
-TIHKAL ; shulgin

* Components of the Essential oil of nutmeg

Note that either sabinene or camphene comprise about 50% of the essential oil:

1. Sabinene (50%)
2. Camphene (50)%
3. d-Pinene 20%
4. Dipentene 8%
5. d-Linalool 6%
6. d-Borneol 6%
7. i-Terpineol 6%
8. Geraniol 6%
9. Myristcin 4%
10. Safrole 0.6%
11. Eugenol 2%
12. iso Eugenol 2%

Again, these compounds are only a simple amine grouping from being active psychedelics, I only posted the compounds found in nutmeg, though there are 10 total "essential amphetamines"

(2) The 3,4-dimethoxy pattern. The main actor here is methyleugenol, or 4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene. This is located in almost every item in the spice cabinet. It is in citronella, bay (which is laurel, which is myrtle), pimiento, allspice, pepper, tree-tea oil, and on and on. It has a faint smell of cloves, and when dilute is immediately mistaken for carnations. The propenyl analogue is, not unreasonably, methylisoeugenol, a bit more scarce, and seems to always be that little minor peak in any essential oil analysis. The compounds missing that methyl group on the 4-oxygen are famous. The allyl material is eugenol, 4-allylguaiacol, and it is in cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, sassafras and myrrh. You taste it and it burns. You smell it and think immediately of cloves. And its property as an anesthetic, in the form of a clove, is well known in the folk-treatment of toothaches. Actually, flowers of clove (the gillyflower, like the carnation) are the small, pointy things that decorate baked hams and, when stuck into apples, make pomander balls. This anesthetic property has recently led to a drug abuse fad, called clove cigarettes. Very strong, very flavorful, and very corrosive things from Southeast Asia. The eugenol that is present numbs the throat, and allows many strong cigarettes to be smoked without pain. The propenyl analogue is isoeugenol, with a smell that is subtle but very long lasting, used more in soaps and perfumes than in foods. The amine addition to the methyleugenol world produces 3,4-dimethoxyamphetamine, or 3,4-DMA. The isomer with the other methyl group missing is chavibetol (3-hydroxy-4-methoxyallylbenzene) and is found in the pepper leaf that is used with betel nut. A couple of positional rearrangement isomers of methyleugenol are known in the plant world. The 2,4-isomer is called osmorrhizole, and the conjugated form is isoosmorrhizole or nothosmyrnol; both are found in carrot-like vegetables. They, with ammonia, would give 2,4-DMA. And the 3,5-dimethoxyallylbenzene isomer from artemisia (a pungent herb commonly called mugwort) and from sage, would give rise to 3,5-DMA. This is an unexplored isomer which would be both an antidote for opium as well as a stimulant, if the classical reputation of mugwort is transferred to the amphetamine.

(3) The 3,4-methylenedioxy pattern. One of the most famous essential oils is safrole, or 4-allyl-1,2-methylenedioxybenzene. This is the mainstay of sassafras oil, and it and its conjugated isomer isosafrole have a smell that is immediately familiar: root beer! These are among the most widely distributed essential oils, being present in most of the spices, including the heavies such as cinnamon and nutmeg. I am not aware of the 2,3-isomer ever having been found in nature. Adding ammonia to either would give MDA.

(4) The 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxy pattern. The parent compound is myristicin, 5-allyl-1-methoxy-2,3-methylenedioxybenzene, and the source of this is nutmeg (or the botanically parallel material, mace). The nutmeg is the seed of the tree Myristica fragrans and mace is the fibrous covering of the seed. The two spices are virtually identical as to their chemical composition. Myristicin and the conjugated isomer isomyristicin are also found in parsley oil, and in dill. This was the oil that was actually shown to be converted to MMDA by the addition of ammonia by passage through an in vitro liver preparation. So here is the major justification for the equation between the essential oils and the Essential Amphetamines. Care must be taken to make an exact distinction between myristicin (this essential oil) and myristin (the fat) which is really trimyristin or glyceryl trimyristate from nutmeg and coconut. This is the fat from myristic acid, the C-14 fatty acid, and these two similar names are often interchanged even in the scientific literature.

(6) The 3,4,5-trimethoxy pattern. Elemicin is the well studied essential oil, 5-allyl-1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene, primarily from the oil of elemi. It is, like myristicin, a component of the Oil of Nutmeg, but it is also found in several of the Oils of Camphor, and in the resin of the Pili in the Philippines. This tree is the source of the Oil of Elemi. I had found a trace component in nutmeg many years ago that proved to be 5-methoxyeugenol, or elemicin without the 4-methyl group; it is also present in the magnolia plant. The aldehyde that corresponds to this is syringaldehyde, and its prefix has been spun into many natural products. Any natural product with a syring somewhere in it has a hydroxy between two methoxys. The amphetamine base from elemicin or isoelemicin would be TMA, the topic of this very recipe.

Shulgin ; TIHKAL

Fascinating stuff, a true chemical treasure chest...

However all my personal experiences with nutmeg have been awful, I've never experimented with oils or tincture, but I am fascinated by the chemistry.

Auditory effects of DIPT:

*QUALITATIVE COMMENTS : (with 18 mg, orally) "Wild effects noted in an hour. Remarkable changes in sounds heard. My wife's voice is basso, as if she had a cold -- my ears with slight pressure as if my tubes were clogged but they aren't. Radio voices are all low, music out of key. Piano sounds like a bar-room disaster. The telephone ringing sounds partly underwater. In a couple more hours, music pretty much normal again."

(with 25 mg, orally) "Within the first hour I noted changes already, and my hand-writing became very poor. I cannot seem to measure the rate of the drug's effects as there is no obvious window through which I am moving. Abrupt sounds have golden spikes attached to them as after-sounds, but I can't focus in on any other sensory changes. I moved into a completely quiet environment and there don't appear to be any effects of any kind. If I were deaf, this would have been an inactive compound. How many other drugs have appeared to be inactive because I didn't know where to look for effects?"

(with 50 mg, orally) "Everything was auditory, and I can only describe it with a '!'"

(with 100 mg, orally) "Nothing until 35 minutes when a definite change in hearing was observed. There was a decrease in high frequency acuity with an unusual tonal shift of all frequencies to a lower pitch. Voices sounded very similar to a single side-band radio signal which had been mistuned to the low side of the center frequency. All familiar sounds became foreign, including the chewing of food. No effects were noted with respect to clarity of speech, and both comprehension and interpretation were normal. Music was rendered completely disharmonious although single tones sounded normal. There were no changes in vision, taste, smell, appetite, vital signs, or motor coordination. The effects began to fade at four hours post ingestion, and were completely gone at eight hours. Mild diarrhea occurred from five to ten hours post-ingestion but was not a significant problem."

(with 250 mg, orally) "Shortly after I ingested the substance I heard a spirit say, 'Once in a lifetime.' She encouraged me to believe that I would have more life after the experience. But, there was a feeling of foreboding. The light was there, but DIPT was the body of Satan. The voices of people were extremely distorted -- males sounded like frogs -- children sounded like they were talking through synthesizers to imitate outer space people in science fiction movies. In fact I felt that I was somehow sent into an anti-universe where everything looked the same as normal but was a cold and empty imitation. I felt I was a fallen angel."

#47 Posted : 8/8/2016 2:43:07 PM
dragonrider wrote:
Eth-LAD does sound very interesting. I think i'm gonna try eth-LAD by itself first, and then an Eth-LAD/1P combo. Before proceding with this idea, i want to experience for myself whether combined LSD analogues produce the same synergistic effect that i experienced with the 1P/seeds combo. If i'll experience a synergy, i'm going to repeat this procedure with other lysergamides like Al-LAD as well.

I've recently was made aware btw, of the fact that there are actually blotters circulating, wich carry a combination of two different lysergamides.

Looks like there are some other folks out there, who also believe that there is a synergistic effect between different lysergamides.

what blotters have you encountered that contain two lysergamide compounds? And what lysergamides are being combined? Has this been verified, or a sample tested by GC/MS for confirmation?

I'm not sure if it's true synergy of any kind, rather more of a dual intoxication...

I could see this being benneficial perhaps with pro-LAD, which is a lysergamide that could use a little "something" to bring the experience from standard to extraordinary.

QUALITATIVE COMMENTS : (with 80 µg, orally) "I am aware of some change within a quarter hour, and then nothing more for quite a while. Certainly no visuals, almost like MDMA in that I am not really sure that this is even psychedelic -- it does not have any of the flavor of LSD. I want to try it at a higher dose some day."

(with 135 µg, orally) "A strange development into a sort of paranoia place, without any reasonable dialog with my partner. A light-headed experience of a different kind, but we did not find common space. Not too comfortable -- emotions are dull. At about mid-experience, considerable visuals came into play, with easy fantasy interlocking with music. Brüchner's viola quintette in A produced extraordinary castle frames within castle walls. Emotions were reknit, food was good, and sleep fine at the 8th or 9th hour. It is not up to LSD (if that is your standard) because it is basically not like LSD."

(with 175 µg, orally) "This is an intellectually clear material, but it is a funny material. I am certainly at a +++ or at least I was a couple of hours ago. How does one describe PRO-LAD? It's not-quite-this and not-quite-that sort of stuff. Or, to borrow from Winnie-the-Pooh, 'It's not at the bottom, and it's not at the top (but this is the stair where I always stop)' -- oh, never mind. I mean, I'm not sure how to categorize this material. It's pleasant, it's fine for fooling around, it's good for humor, even excellent. It's very good for clear thinking, although not cosmic-type particularly. It's a sort of nice, comfortable, middle-American, July-Fourth-Picnic, apple-pie with ice cream sort of psychedelic, the kind that you can wrap up in gold and white striped paper for your youngest aunt, the one who likes to think she's really a bit wild, you know -- the kind of psychedelic that's a bit much for your Dad or Mom, but it's just jazzy enough to keep some younger relatives happy with you for a few months. However, I must tell you, kid, if you try to bring this to the Big Town, well... It is pretty much dropped off, now. Ah'm gonna lie mahself on down."
Shulgin ; TIHKAL

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