I extracted some freebase harmala alks from some syrian rue. I tried to dissolve in some acetone, about 40 mls/g. Most of it just suspended in the solution. What's the best solvent for this? The bridge between goals and accomplishments....Self-discipline.
I know caapi freebase dissolves readily in vinegar, maybe give that a try? Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Drinking/grain ethanol will work better than acetone and IPA. Maybe vodka would work, dont know if it would leave a taste (for changa or whatever). Ethanol is not the best but quite better than acetone or IPA. The best solvents for harmalas are more toxic, like methanol and DCM. If you use them, make sure its properly dry before using (better let it soak again in some non denatured ethanol and let it air dry again for many hours to help getting rid of traces of those solvents)
Regarding what purges said, vinegar will turn harmalas into acetate form. Some people have experimented with smoking what was previously dmt acetate that was evapped on water bath. The theory is the dmt acetate will turn to dmt freebase with heat (not above 100 degrees C). The smoke from the resulting product is psychoactive. But, other people (like amor fati) who have extensive experience smoking acetates decided not to do it anymore because long term it felt unhealthy, there was some weird nauseating aftertaste. Its unsure whether this was because of some vinegar impurities or because of acetic acid itself, maybe not all evaporates and converts to freebase and when people inhale the smoke from this, maybe the acetic acid ions are damaging to the lungs.
Why do you need to dissolve harmalas?
Quote:Why do you need to dissolve harmalas? I added some to a changa mix awhile back. About 1/3 ratio to DMT. Good stuff, it felt like the MAOI effect builds with multiple doses. It didn't dissolve very well in the acetone, where as the DMT was very soluble. Thanks for the info. The bridge between goals and accomplishments....Self-discipline.
DCM and chloroform are the solvents that dissolve harmala freebases well... I know it's frustrating that things like acetone (that dissolves the hell out of fb dmt!) is so crap with harmalas! Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!
For SWIM ETOH (ethanol) is the easiest and savest solvent. It dissolves spice AND Harmalas, is food grade so ideal for making your preferred Harmala/Spice ratio and use one solution to make changa. Good Luck We are infinite
Adding my 2 cents to this old thread. I just had my first success dissolving harmine in ethyl alcohol 95% ( ethanol ). Method is very simple and does not require heat. I put a small amount of ethanol in a jar ( see picture ), added 175mg of pure harmine alkaloids, shook vigorously, left aside for few hours and ta-da. No residues at the bottom and nothing suspended. Just clear amber liquid. IMHO no need for any toxic solvents for harmalas. SWIM could add some spice to the mixture now and evap into her favorite leaf material to make changa for the first time. monomind attached the following image(s):  hardis.jpg (593kb) downloaded 515 time(s).
So freebased Alks dissolve in pure Ethanol. What about salt forms? More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!
HCl salts are quite soluble in ethanol, though not as soluble as in water.
pitubo wrote:HCl salts are quite soluble in ethanol, though not as soluble as in water. Thanks, always thought so, but just checking. More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!