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The Medicinal and Cultural Applications of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) Options
Senior Member
#1 Posted : 12/22/2015 10:10:26 AM
After speaking to a bunch of strangers at a party, and hearing way too much misinformation, I'm planning on writing a literature review on DMT in my down time. I've had a look at a lot of studies, but they mainly focus on the possible medicinal effects of DMT. Consequently, they use insane doses (4mg/kg of bodyweight? Ho. Lee. Shit) (File, 1977) on lab rats. But that was in the 70's, so recent studies have to be better. Right? Nope. Nope nopeitty nope nope nope. "To investigate the thermoregulatory effects of individual drugs, mice were given an intraperitoneal (i.p.) dose of harmaline (0, 2, 5 or 15 mg/kg) or 5-MeO-DMT (0, 2, 10 or 20 mg/kg)" (Jiang, Shen and Yu, 2015). To play devils advocate here, the purpose of their study was not neuroscience. It was neuropharmacology. And they did run tests with 0.3mg/kg, which is a lot more reasonable. They also questioned themselves here: "The study of psychoactive drugs in animals gives rise to questions of interpretation and extrapolation to the human condition. However, with the demonstration that the hallucinogens, LSD and mescaline, can function as discriminative stimuli in rats (Hirschhorn and Winter, 1971), it was suggested that drug-induced stimulus control in non-verbal species might provide insight into their mechanisms of action (Winter, 1974; for recent reviews, see Nichols, 2004, Fantegrossi et al., 2008 and Winter, 2009)". At this stage, all we can ask is how do these substances work. The big question is why they work.

The cultural use of DMT has been ignored. I work in the medicinal science industry, and I detest the material-reductionist way of thinking that science has been treading on since the birth of humanity. All the medical authorities will do when assessing DMT as "useful", they will look at a few things, mainly toxicity (which is essentially non-existent) and psychophysiological effects/symptoms. And by psychophysiological effects/symptoms, they will write something like: hallucinations, paranoia, loss of self, dizziness, loss of consciousness (meaning knocked the fuck out, not from a spiritual sense) etc..

The way we describe all of these symptoms to each other is completely relatable. We all know what DMT is actually like. However when an person inexperienced with anything to with psychedelics reads these symptoms, they will see them as bad. Perhaps the word "symptoms" is accelerating this line of thinking. Attributing all of the effects of DMT to an outsiders observation is not conducive to the spiritual exploration of psychedelics. Strassman's original article touches on these apsects, but are present as quotes rather than full trip reports. Even then, the gravitas of DMT is not fully appreciated. This extremely succinct quote, to me, describes DMT quite well. But nothing compares to the real thing. "The higher dose effects completely replaced ongoing mental experience, and usually was described as more compelling and convincing than 'ordinary' reality or dreams." (Strassman, 1995).

Typically, story telling in a scientific journal article is not often used. In fact, it's probably looked down upon. "Leave the creativity to the artists, only cold hard facts in science" is a general rule of thumb when presenting data. The number of times I've been bogged down by jargon is staggering, and I understand what the jargon means. But in the case of altered states of consciousness, the best data is trip reports. The best trip reports are ones where the reader can relate to it. Heck, the best creative writing is based on relatability.

So here is where I need your help. I aim to dissect everything about DMT, as Snozzlebery once said: Botany, Chemistry (adding neuroscience to this) and Anthropology. I have talked to a senior neuroscience professor at my university, and will try to get a project up and running. But she said the ethics approval will be a nightmare.

So here's what I need from you guys.

Age range:
Childhood: (Abusive, loving, strict, boring etc. Any words to accurately describe your upbringing.)
Cultural upbringing: (Religion is a culture, so it falls under this category)
Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): (Test can be done here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp)
Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was):
Purpose for taking it:
Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable):
Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life:
Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life:
Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person:
Link to your trip report that you would like to share:

I want to get a glimpse of the story behind the trip report. Who are you and why do you trip? Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Fantegrossi, W., Murnane, K. and Reissig, C. (2008 ). The behavioral pharmacology of hallucinogens. Biochemical Pharmacology, 75(1), pp.17-33.

File, S. (1977). Effects of N, N-Dimethyltryptamine on behavioural habituation in the rat. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 6(2), pp.163-168.

Hirschhorn, I. and Winter, J. (1971). Mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as discriminative stimuli. Psychopharmacologia, 22(1), pp.64-71.

Jiang, X., Shen, H. and Yu, A. (2015). Potentiation of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine-induced hyperthermia by harmaline and the involvement of activation of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors. Neuropharmacology, 89, pp.342-351.

Nichols, D. (2004). Hallucinogens. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 101(2), pp.131-181.

Strassman, R. (1995). Human psychopharmacology of N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Behavioural Brain Research, 73(1-2), pp.121-124.

Winter, J. (2008 ). Hallucinogens as discriminative stimuli in animals: LSD, phenethylamines, and tryptamines. Psychopharmacology, 203(2), pp.251-263.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#2 Posted : 12/22/2015 2:18:18 PM
Username: entheogenic-gnosis

Gender: male

Age range: 25-30 years old

Location: colorado, USA

Childhood: difficult but not traumatic, fairly normal.

Cultural upbringing: no real religion or politics, "hippie" type mother, left almost everything to be figured out for yourself.

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): (Test can be done here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp)


Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was):

14 years old, psilocybe fungi (provided that you do not count marijuana as a psychedelic in which case 13 years old and marijuana)

Purpose for taking it: curiosity

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable):

intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual stimulation. Exploration of consciousness and existence.
Ability to obtain gnosis regarding the "big" questions.
It provides a lasting psychological stability and comfort as if your prior fears, discomaorts, and worries have vanished.
Access to non-physical, after-death and spiritual states of being.
Separation of the physical body from the "conscious-being".
Feelings of novelty and astonishment,

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life:

lasting psychological stability and clairty, a good psychedelic experience can be equivalent to 5 years worth of psychological therapy. They are essential tools for inner space exploration. They are also tools for aide in existing in life as well as Tools for the Preparation for conscious existence after life.

I was agnostic before my first DMT experience, now I have become an intensely spiritual person. The DMT allowed me to experience death, dismemberment, resurrection and rebirth...it was having my "3rd eye opened", it was like what the Sufi refer to as "fana", Or what the Christians would call "beatific vision", it was a "peak experience", a rare, powerful, transformative event, centered around non-physical being, after-death states, and the harsh transition phases which lay between birth and life, life and death, and so on...

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life:

honestly, none. I honestly made an attempt to think of any, even the most traumatic psychedelic experiences I have endured have proven to be overall more benneficial than anything else. The more traumatic psychedelic experiences tend to be the most intense and valuable learning experiences I have ever had, and do not seem to include any residual or lasting negative symptoms.

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person:

I talk about psychedelics with every person I meet, whether it's chemistry, pharmacology, botanical sources, spirituality, shamanism, psychology, etc...I'm always talking about these things. I never recommend anything though, I simply provide accurate and quality information to who ever is willing to listen, but never suggest that any person should try or not try psychedelics.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share:

no link available so I posted the report below.

the first time I smoked DMT it was 200mgs yellow crystal on top of high-grade marijuana, I cleared it in a single hit. I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death....I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest, it proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful geometric object, morphing and color changing, like a jewel from hyperspace, the mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light ans he filled my body with them, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected...then I felt as if I was being pushed through a membrane, I was being born....then back to reality....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just went through being born...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me

Senior Member
#3 Posted : 12/25/2015 7:24:23 AM
I probably should give my answers too.

Username: Bodhisativa
Gender: Male
Age range: 20-25
Location: Sydney
Childhood: Strict
Cultural upbringing: Islamic, but stopped believing before the age of 10.
Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): INFP (Healer), previously was INTJ (Mastermind).
Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 18, psilocybin
Purpose for taking it: Heard it was a good teacher.
Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): It IS a good teacher.
Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: Mental clarity, open-mindedness, total removal of all negative emotions.
Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: None whatsoever.
Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: I'll talk about it with like minded people, but it's up to them if they want to take it.
Link to your trip report that you would like to share: Only written one so far, but it did change me. https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=66386

Come on guys, help me out with this. I'll pay you in the form of virtual hugs.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#4 Posted : 12/25/2015 7:58:15 AM
I love this kind of stuff! It is very interesting to see stats about other psychedelic drug users. Since psychs are still illegal in most places, it is difficult to collect such data in an at least somewhat verifiable fashion and identify useful trends. So here are my answers:

Username: RAM

Gender: Male

Age range: 18-23

Location: Midwest USA

Childhood: There were high expectations (academic and otherwise), but my parents were very caring at the same time. They really supported me and still do. My success is their success.

Cultural upbringing: I said some small prayers as a child, but once I learned a little science I became a militant atheist that only changed once I came in contact with DMT entities. My father and grandparents are somewhat Jewish and my mother is a naturalist/pagan/universal-consciousness-believer-person.

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type: I have not taken the test in a while, but every time I have taken it I have scored as an INTJ. It is quite fitting as I am very organized and traditionally intelligent, and I am known among my friends as the master planner and leader.

Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): When I was 17 I indulged in some San Pedro cactus powder. (This does not include prior cannabis experiences that could possibly be considered psychedelic.)

Purpose for taking it: I wanted to expand my consciousness further and possibly get some deep insights about mathematics, which was my planned field of study at the time. So naturally I did a lot of research and I was very scared about having a "bad trip" due to media influences. I came across the legality, general safety, and jovial quality of mescaline, so I got some cactus powder and drank it.

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): Psychedelics have expanded my mind in ways I may never have imagined on my own with my Western upbringing. They have allowed me to freely stretch my thinking skills and become whatever I want and truly experience. The magic has never stopped. Smile

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: Critical thinking is probably the greatest benefit, as with this, I am able to rationally confront any other problem I face and solve it. With enough time and resources, I can change anything in the world around me. The ego removal that comes with the psychedelic experience has also made me feel more emotions, especially sympathy, compassion, and understanding for other people and their problems. Now I have the tools to understand the woes and frustration of others and take steps to improve their lives and appreciate when people do the same for me.

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: There is some judgement from family, and I have had bouts of nihilism and depression arising from realizing how isolated humans are. However these are problems that I feel everyone must face at some point, and psychs just allowed me to "grow up" more quickly in ways some people never do.

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: I'd like to believe that everyone should have at least one psychedelic experience in their life that they could then pursue if they enjoyed it. But I know some people who are so wrapped up in their own vanity, ego, or way of seeing the world, that I think psychs might destroy them before they could possibly fix them. I'll answer the question with another question: how much pain is worth leading a more authentic, healthy life? If the answer is a lot, then I'd recommend them to anyone. Other than that, anyone with an interest in philosophical manners should definitely indulge at some point.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...spx?g=posts&m=651934
This is my first and so far only vaporhuasca journey. It was incredibly brutal and tore the concept of meaning from my life. It was probably my most intense journey to this date, and it shows how not everything is so peachy and wonderful and "psychedelic, man." There are some tough realizations to get over, but much peace to be found once you do.

I owe a lot to psychedelic drugs, and I think their eventual legalization/deregulation will change society in ways few can anticipate. These medicines change the lens through which we see the world, and in the proper hands, they could motivate us to fix any problem and satisfy everyone's needs.
"Think for yourself and question authority." - Leary

"To step out of ideology - it hurts. It's a painful experience. You must force yourself to do it." - Žižek
#5 Posted : 12/25/2015 12:27:52 PM
Bodisathiva, I've send you mine in PM, see Q + A post.

I hope something fruitful comes of it (this thread).
Welcoming committeeModerator
#6 Posted : 12/25/2015 8:40:12 PM
Age range:
Youngest of four siblings, the closest in age of which was 8 yrs older. Was pretty much left to my own devices, for good or ill. Married parents, mom stayed at home.

Cultural upbringing:

suburban upper middle class, republican, southern, non religious household.

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type


Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was):

15/ psilocybin
Although my first cannabis experience was out of body psychedelic, at 13

Purpose for taking it:

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable):

Hedonism, cognitive exploration in my teens-20s, stopped doing psychs from age 22 to 42.

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life:

Initially opened my mind to greater possibilities and removed a concealing veil placed upon my perception of reality through deeply held unconscious cultural constructs.

Later, when I re initiated myself at 42 during my battle with heroin addiction, 5 meo DMT awakened me to a spiritual potential I never knew and gave my hopeless life new profound meaning that enables me to push through difficulty to work towards a higher goal of self manifestation.

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life:

Isolation , bouts with depersonalization and derealization, misunderstandings within family that leads to fracturing

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person:

Yes. Anyone who knows what they want from them and has done their own research to be able to make a conscious decisions and set intent.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share:


I want to get a glimpse of the story behind the trip report. Who are you and why do you trip? Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

As implied, my main concern in
tripping is towards a process of self betterment. I use them ( mostly smoalked DMT and psilocybin ) to take advantage of their ability to propel me through the constructs of my ego and see the world in a novel way. This helps me to work through personal, creative and spiritual issues making that process much easier.

I write a lot about my practice and experience and pay close attention to the integration process as a main concern with tripping. At this point in my life I'm stabilizing after a long bout with homelessness and am focusing on creative projects including potential books I'd like to eventually publish.

I too hope this project provides useful data and valuable results, if nothing else it's great insight to other people here and there practices. Good job
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#7 Posted : 12/26/2015 6:12:47 AM
Username: LysergicBliss

Gender: Male

Age range: Late 20's

Location: Mid-West USA

Childhood: Only child, parents divorced at young age - raised by single mom, loving environment, I was a loner mostly with a curious mind.

Cultural upbringing: Small town, lower-middle class. Raised Christian (non-denominational)

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): INTP (only very slightly preference for T and P)

Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 21. LSD

Purpose for taking it: Curiosity

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): To explore my mind and the nature of reality through altered states of conciousness

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: Freed me from conventional norms. Taught me to "think for myself and question authority" as Leary used to say.

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: Struggle with living in a materialistic, bureaucratic, shallow western culture.

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person:
Yes. Someone who is more or less mentally stable, is not afraid of what they don't know, and has enough curiosity to take an interest in psychedelics before trying them.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share:
I don't have a trip report posted, so I'll give a brief report of a 5g P. cubensis trip from a few years ago that had a lasting impact:

The trip was very intense (I spent most of the peak on my living room floor) but I was shown in that time that the fundamental creating force in the universe/reality is pure, unconditional love. I could see and feel an overwhelmingly intense love radiating from everything in the room. The lamp was love, the floor was love, the air, etc. It felt as if this omnipresent love was the glue holding physical reality together, and that everything came from it, like the universe is a physical manifestation of that love. What I felt was what a lot of people might call "God", but that word has too many preconceived notions to be useful. It was also revealed to me that our job while we are in this world is to reciprocate this love by unconditionally loving each other, and by relieving the suffering of others through compassion.

#8 Posted : 12/27/2015 12:05:30 AM

Username: Quetzal7
Gender: M
Age range: 28
Location: traveler

Childhood: sweet ; only with my mother ; "intelligent" education with great mother

Cultural upbringing: Atheist connected to Nature

Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 20, LSA

Purpose for taking it: exploration of consciousness
Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): Healing, empowering, fun
Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life:

- Deconstruction of patterns inherited by society (questioning what we value and seek in life, questionning individuality and free choice in our society, use of alcohol, etc etc )
- Meet the Devine, the archetype of The Light itself, understand that there's more than what i was told about !
- Playfullnes!!!!! Become the Joker, the fool, the ever transforming being, adapting, sneaking through all situation i na creative way
- Heal old patterns inehrited from the past - Free myself of the pattern projected by my parents, fly out of the nest and live my own destiny (this healed a lot my parents too);
- Awaken chakra and kundalini energies, get WAY more connected to my body, can dance in absolute freedom, enter in trance, celebrate life as it should be !
- Get humble, face my own ego. On the emotional - relational aspect of course (more listening, respect, peacefull) , but also intelectually. DMT show me there's MUCH more possibilities that i thought; Life is much more complex than any human technology. Creation of a fetus is beyond all knowledge we have. the unknown, the big mystery is unavoidable part of my metaphysic.
- Self empowerment ! No shaman, no guru. New paradigm of cooperatif - non hierarchic - non dogmatic - organic spiritual path !
- definitly help me SO much to wake up to become a responsible father connected to my daughter ! SO MUCH !

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: Got bad daily habit of smoking weed ( 1 spliff a day, sometimes more) that i have to get rid off, it's draining too much energy (and we need to be actif in this world to face global challenges). Of other psychedelic... not much as far as i known. I' m extremly carefull tripper, (nearly) always knowing exacly what i consume, why, in which dose... S&S Smile

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: Tricky question ! I go back and forth with this one ! i like to share my "medicine". But the term medicine we use here in USA is ambiguous. It refer to the sacred plants of course, but they are not always use as medicine (and it's ok, but why call it like this then ? )
I share with dear friends that already know and consume, no problem.

With friends of friends, i have the ethic of never giving for free - as many people consume things just because they are free, not because they need or want it in the first place. So having to trade even and symbolic crystal create a filter, and put the power in the hands of the consumers.

I initiate various people to their first time experience. Always after extensive sharing, information. I help them so we create together the right S&S. One of this various person, after some trips, had to take his own path - he ended taking A LOT, using RC in festival, taking 10 blotters at a time etc... and got a big depression and not so good result of this wild use. I got really disappointed because i prepared him with full respect for the plants. But mostly, i m really happy i shared my pasion with others. For me psychedelic really opened me to the vastness of life, to the magic... i have hard time imagine my life without all this opening.

I opened many changa ceremonies, always in nature and pure silent, with simple but really efficient S&S. I made always sure the people really wanted - and were waiting for this moment to happen. I saw only positiv output as far as i know.

On this series of ceremonies ( hundreds of people in total), i saw some common topics we are working on :
-Meeting the Mother (pachamama, demeter, gaia, the devine feminine ) , reconnecting to this energy of creation, caring, harmony , unity, etc
-Meeting the Cosmic Joker; energy of creation destruction, freedom, illusions, individuality... you know him right ?
-Working on the XIII arcane, """death""", ego death, detachment from old patterns, trauma with parents, etc etc ! big cleaning thourgh singularity point of Death and rebirth
-Perinatal experience ( can be 1st matrix, similar to meet to mother and go back to unity) or more dramatic births experience
- and Of course, The Snake ! That can also be the mother, or the trickster, or yourself trap in the ouroboros; i would say there's many different experience with the snake...

Most of the people always got what they needed !
#9 Posted : 3/19/2016 4:53:35 AM
This is going to be some great work i can feel it. And so my contribution.

Username: Phantasma
Gender: male
Age range: 20
Location: California
Childhood: Fairly difficult, but not horrible. Was born with severe progressive scoliosis. Father was an addict and left at a young age. Older brother left at around the same time. Mom did worked alot to support us, until she met her now ex, who was very abusive and possessive of her, especially over me, not allowing me to spend much time with her throughout teen years. My social life was in the streets but mostly stayed home. My mom was not very strict, so long as i wasnt doing anything dangerous or stupid. Was allowed to smoke pot at 14 and on because my mom knew id be doing it anyways and it wasnt very dangerous. Was not around my family more than 1-4 times a year for a small gathering. My mom and I are the black sheep of the family it seems, and no they dont know about the pot. ( if thats too much sorry, just want to be descriptive)
Cultural upbringing: Was slightly pushed toward christianity, but i denied it and was free to create my own belief system based on my experiences.
Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type: INTP. (only disagree with one or two apects of this, but overall its spot on)
Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 18 N-N-DMT (attempted mushrooms twice but never tripped, first time wasnt near enough and i puked them out the second time, so i dont consider those)
Purpose for taking it: a long term curiosity i had with it since i was 13
Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): lets see. I use it for spiritual reasons. To learn more about myself. To come to conclusions. To start inner dialogues about complex ideas. To "think outside the box." To boost self confidence. To reduce stress. To gain perspective. To escape. All of the above, and rarely, none of the above. Sometimes i find new reasons to use it while im having an experience.
Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: reduced my self conciousness a huge amount. Gave me comfort or understanding in rough thoughts or times. Helped to form my spiritual beliefs. Connected me to nature. Gave me a new perspective on life.
Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: none that i can see.
Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: one part of me says everyone, but i would have to say anyone who is confident in their mental facilities and has no cognitive issues.
Link to your trip report that you would like to share: no link, so i will type one up.

In my room with a friend, we both prepare for a small dmt session. He goes first and i have the remains of his ( we sandwiched it in damiana/mullein). I end up in an odd space of red colors mainly, with others pulsing though. I begin a conversation with some sort of being that seemed to be particularly interested in how i was introducing dmt to other around me, and was happy that i was being careful but generous. I remember telling the entitiy that my friend would be coming in any second now, and to please be gentle for his first breakthough. I also asked for him to be shown something great. When he came to he reported seeing statues he wasnt familiar with but when described turned out to be quite famous, made by great artists and architects. My breakthough was up and i was quite excited. I smoked my bowl down quick and closed my eyes. I always love the feeling when coming up on the deems. I like to say it feels like every cell in my body is having cmsex with every othwr cell in my body. The ringing gets louder and the random shapes get less random. The come up was quite quick, then a breif moment of nothing I saw some sort of domino shaped thing. It was golden with jewels, it reminded me of royalty or holiness. It then split into multiple copies of itself and formed a curved hallway, then stairs, then a hallway. I soon realized i was going up a tower. There was an openening which revealed a beautiful golden and jeweled landacape with angelic entities all around, working almost it seemed. There were windmill type structured and buildings, made up of different sizes and versions of this golden domino. What happened next was... life changing id say. I was then floating through this black space having ascended the goldwn kingdom below me. There was a bright blue light in the distance. I slowly gravitated toward this object wondering what i was being shown. I couldnt help but feel like this was some sort of privilege being granted to me. I got closer and realized it was some sort of orb made up of many smaller blue lights, an uncountable amount. There was some sort of small paradise island looking stone structure forming the shape of a small side of a broken eggshell, which wrapped itself around a hottom portion of this "collection". I knew i was god, or something of equal importance and beauty. I felt loved, purely. When i came to i was calmly sittin in my seat, with a steady stream of tears flowing from my eyes. These were more than tears of joy, they were tears of love, tears of acceptance, tears of everything pure and beautiful. The rest of the night was spent on 2 more trips, one each, and recounting our experiences while smoking some weed to relax for bed.

I have had many experiences, this is still one of the most important to me, and possibly my favorite to share. I hope this helps, and let us know if that project ever comes to life.
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#10 Posted : 3/19/2016 5:48:46 AM
Username: dreamer042

Gender: Male

Age range: 30-35

Location: USA (Rocky Mountain Region)

Childhood: Loving, Encouraging, Open Minded (Hippie Parents)

Cultural upbringing: Television, Junk Food, Public Schooling

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): INFP

Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 14, LSD (2 blotters)

Purpose for taking it: Destiny. I always knew I would.

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): Personal Growth, Healing, Spiritual Evolution.

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: Humor, Perspective, Contentment

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: Alienation

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: Not out of the blue, only those that are already seeking.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share: I feel these experiences are generally very personal and the most important report is displayed in how one lives their life as a result of the experience(s).
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#11 Posted : 3/19/2016 8:19:42 PM

Ooh i shall help! What a wonderful idea.

Username: Lizz


Age range:25

Location: chesapeake bay area USA

Childhood: a bit difficult but i had a close knit loving family

Cultural upbringing: raised Catholic but never force fed. Became agnostic at thirteen. Otherwise lived a fairly normal lower middle class life, in a small townhome community in the suburbs, with one sibling.

Jung/Briggs Meyer Personality Type (OPTIONAL): INFP (Test can be done here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp)

Age when you first took psychedelics (and name what it was): 21; LSD

Purpose for taking it: curiousity and it was highly recomended to me.

Purpose for continuing to take it (if applicable): i love altered states of conciousness. To me its like going on an adventure without having to leave your home. You learn a lot about yourself and open up to others in a way unrivaled by anything else.

Benefits that psychedelics has brought to your life: Ive lost a lot of the sense of wonder in things that i possesed as a child. Years of "taking the weight of the world on my shoulders" and several exeriences with various kinds of abuse have caused me to become jaded and apathetic. Psychs have restored something in me that died long ago. Additionally, after a psychedelic experience, i feel calm, content and generally positive about life fir several weeks. This is a big deal for me. Nothing else has ever given me such a drastic change in perspective.

Detriments that psychedelics has brought to your life: honestly i can think of none. Besides maybe i get a bit forlorn when i feel the call of the medicine, but i have very few opportunities in my life to trip, working a full time job and being a full time parent.

Would you recommend psychedelics to another person? If so, what type of person: as most have said already, it depends. I have recommended them to my brother ( as an aside, i would LOVE to trip with my brother) as i feel he is open minded enough and has the sensibilities to be able to navigate the experience. However i do not believe that psychedelics are for everyone. Some people i feel just lack the ehm... Mental fortitude for them. A bad trip could ruin them forever. My mother for instance. If she ever came (unlikely) to me and asked for some mushrooms in the future i would greatly question her motives and give her all kinds of warnings and advisements before even considering it. Id probably ask her if she was sure like a thousand times.

Link to your trip report that you would like to share: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=68637
And I'm lonesome when you're around
I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself.
And I miss you when you're around...
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