Hello all,
I am attempting to make as the title says a bit of an extraction compendium for anyone new to extraction and to attempt to perfect the process or simplify it greatly with viable repeatable results. As i only have my personal experiences and the ones posted in reply to known specific techs, i was looking for any viable information or experiences from other members so i can compile the information in a manner of easy or little chemical knowledge needed, up to and including synthesis.
For this i'm going to need a lot of information beyond what i have so any extraction methods "which were personally used by the poster" including different species of plant, solvent, acid, base, yield and known quantities will be greatly appreciated. I'm leaning toward trying to stay with Jurema, and Acacia for this guide as they are the most commonly used, but all information that is viable and concise is appreciated.
Please only post personal experience as i don't want this guide when finished to contain hearsay.Pictures as well are welcome particularly for re-crystallization. I will be doing a comparison of all yields and processes submitted and attempt to catalog them under easy/hard, length of time required, safety concerns, hazardous materials used and precautions necessary, as well as estimated yield and purification processes. There will be a trouble shooting section as well. I understand everyone has there own person favorite method and there are a myriad of techs out there. This is an attempt to combine the knowledge into once concise location were the majority of questions are answered.
I understand the "FAQ" page has a lot of this information but i am trying to elaborate on the specifics, including ratio's to be used and stick to the extraction, synthesis, necessary equipment, refinement procedures, and all information revolving around this... No vaporization methods, or anything beyond above categories will be included... Any contributions are appreciated and will be credited to the member(s) who made the contribution if that is desired.
Thank you all
Anyone willing to tackle this en-devour with me feel free to contact me.
Humans are the only beings to change their entire universe in a heartbeat simply by changing their outlook on it...
I am prone to write fictional short stories as a release from the daily stressor's of life. Anything written here on these pages, is either the start of a new story, or a continuation and collaboration of stories i have already shared with ,You, my loyal readers

If you either enjoyed or managed to learn something from my fictions please remember they are fictions and may not be the best things to emulate...So please practice caution and know that i take no responsibility for your actions, but wish you all the best. Peace and love ^_^