you should absolutely avoid taking anything from the roots with acacia as it will likely do great harm to the tree or even kill it.. stem/twig/branch bark will have perfectly good amounts of alkaloids if indeed they are present in the tree.. phyllodes are often good to use as well though I'm not sure in the case of a. nilotica
Thank you for posting your progress. Glad you are concerning yourself with safety measures.
Good work, tuning in for the results! You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
You can indeed use washing soda as a base for non-powdered bark. I just brew my bark up, filter, reduce the brew down to a small amount of liquid, and once it's cooled down i'll toss in washing soda to dry up the liquid, once it's all dry and no more water is left, it's all scraped up, put into a jar, and pulled from with 99% ipa. It works.
Hi, any update on this extraction, I am from India too, recently got to know about DMT and very interested in doing an extraction from local ingridients. Acacia Nilotia sub indica is the most common tree available here, can anyone please provide me simple extraction teks for the same. Thanks