If there is already a post on this I did not find it. But I'd like to create a new one to address my questions specifically. Given the information I give below which is what I think or know. You don't have to agree but your comments and views can only aid my own perception in comparison. I also apologize for the longevity.
Now, until recently I have never been a "spiritual" person. I was raised catholic and placed in many church/Sunday school programs. However, over time my mother got the message I did not believe in a God and she left me alone. I look at the universe in a very pragmatic sense. I only really believe what is proven and what there is hardcore evidence for. That was of course until I had my first breakthrough on DMT two nights ago.
If you would like to read this I posted an
experience report in the Welcome Area (I was only recently promoted). I did not state it here, but after some deep thought, and the experience I will have not much longer after this, I came to the conclusion this place I visited was my subconscious and its projections. I was forced into this "place" by use of DMT. Whether this is a "real place" or not is unimportant to me. It felt real. I don't think my subconscious is able to differentiate between what is "real" (as in things that actually take place in the physical world.) and the experience I had. It feels the same afterwards as something that has actually taken place in the real world. A memory, an experience that feels all to real.
Before I broke through I was very interested in Astral Projection. I often meditated and attempted to raise the frequency I would begin to hear when reaching a very relaxed state. I had experienced the beginnings of a WILD (Wake induced lucid dream). I often came close to an OBE many times trying to astral project. High frequency tones, vibrations flowing throughout my face and body, which many times were so strong I fell out of my concentration and failed my astral attempt. I would get these popping sounds in my head, above and between my eyes when I would achieve relaxed states or became close to astral projecting. I came close but wasn't really able to breakthrough. I couldn't envision breaking through. I often would use
binaural beats to aid me. Which led to another infatuation with being able to alter my mind in different ways using outside forces. I would use different binaural frequencies downloaded onto my phone for different things.
One, which I used for studying and doing homework, had a similar effect to adderall or vyvanse for me when listened to for prolonged periods. This led me to becoming more interested in DMT again, which brought me to this point having had an OBE into hyperspace with DMT.
Before I was finished extracting some fresh freebase, I also noticed, often after smoking Marijuana, sometimes I would go into these "Trances" during everyday things. I see things that aren't really there especially if the lights are turned off. I was always able to tune out and in when I wanted, but I couldn't deny myself it was happening. Shapes would sporadically come in and out of view or together to form more complex shapes spinning together as well as a kaleidoscope effect all forming with one apex point, which looked like a worm hole was about to open up in front of me. I tuned out. I continued to tune out. That is until last night.
As I stated above, I was forced into this "realm" of my subconscious when I broke through on DMT. I was not, for the most part aside from my fear, able to control what was happening. DMT has a way of forcing you to allow it to take you instead of you leading the charge. But, last night, my 'ol pot head self started smoking again late at night.
![Twisted Evil](/forum/images/emoticons/devil.png)
In fact I was really feeling myself and I ate an edible (I make them). It was very late, I was very tired and stoned. I had a ringing in my ears, hell, I still have this ringing. A white noise sound like I've heard time and time again. It was low at first. I tuned out. I had to fight my way back to my bead, forcing myself to turn everything off before I could adhere to this subconscious calling. I laid down and focused on amplifying everything I was experiencing.
Below is the recollection of an Astral Projection experience, If you're interested in controlling your projections keep readin' If not you can skip to my concluding paragraph...
Within minutes, a much, much shorter time than when I had attempted astral projection many times before, I was in sleep paralysis. This tingly numb feeling as if I can't move my body takes a hold of me. I panicked and started thinking about being attacked or someone trying to hurt me while I was in this state. A few seconds later these odd feelings started pulsating around my body. Like the weird sense you get when someone is watching or approaching you from behind. It intensified and was all over my body. I was freaking out at first but I remembered the aspect of my subconscious projection. I had been here before, and I was prepared for what I needed to do. I figured I could trick my brain. I brought about these projections, now I must eliminate them so I could explore this subconscious state. I imagined a flash light. I shined it in the direction of these pulsating sensations where I thought something was, and all around me these creatures dark in nature ran from and snarled at the light. Within seconds light energy was permeating around me. It came down from above me exploding in all directions and then there was nothing that could harm me. I saw someone in the light. He was pale, almost as white as the light he brought to me. I felt he understood my reason for calling upon the light and my ability of control. I as awarded, with light. A weapon; I could turn it into pure energy, or a sword, a hammer, an axe, and even a gun. Keep in mind, and for those who have never Astral Projected before, it feels very real and intense.
I was standing in my room... but my room was all there was and beyond the plaster was space. I was close to a small sun with a few orbiting planets around which were close enough to see. I was in awe, it was truly beautiful, this space... I was a new being, simply energy. I suddenly realized the importance of this "world". Anything I do here feels real. So who's to say that it isn't? But even I know the answer to this. It is not real. It is the projection of my own mind. But that does not mean I cannot use it to have
REAL experiences. I began to use it as a tool. I kept the thought of my sub conscious very close. It would even manifest itself to me as a small child I had to watch and account for. I did things I had never experienced before and created certain situations to examine the outcomes. I could levitate, I was free from gravity. Anything, I could conjure it.
I then started thinking about
EVEN HIGHER levels of consciousness. I could listen to my frequency, play with it. Turning it up or down using a knob or a moving switch. (When playing around with this I can literally feel popping in my forehead. Transitioning into higher frequencies would be accompanied by a higher tone and a build up of pressure behind my forehead which would then "pop" and almost melt down my body.) These different frequencies sounded - for lack of better words - Holy. I wish I knew how to make the binaural frequencies I hear to share with others because they are extremely profound. When I tune in and turn them up my body feels as if it is melting away. I took on many different forms last night. I was at one point, a crystal entity. Perfect in structure in every way. I became a sun, then a light particle. I traveled through space at the speed of light and faster. (Everything morphed around me until passing the speed of light, in which time it self would stop and then begin to reverse as I traveled toward light faster than it was coming at me.) At one point I was just simply energy and love and I had completely forgotten about who I was in the real world. It was so blissful. Words don't put it into perspective.
Resume reading here...
My experience with DMT has enabled me to envision higher states of consciousness, of being. I can Astral Project now almost at will, given some time. Before, I was only able to get close to an OBE. Now, I'm able to astral project for hours at a time (I wanted to see if I could go all night and still wake up refreshed, but I lost it after a while. I'm not sure how long it actually was as I had little concept of time). It is quite scary, sometimes I find myself doing it when I shouldn't, going into these trances. But, it is also empowering. I feel as though I can solve all my problems and those to come. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”