Hi, I am inspired to right this tek as I had trouble with the WIKI teks when they only suggested to put a funnel and a coffee filter or cotton balls and wait forever to let it drip out. If you boiled your seeds whole you don't really need to filter before basifying or manske but if you grinded them it is best to filter. Just let your acid solution from your boils cool in the fridge after you have filtered through something like a t-shirt. After a few hours or overnight the sediment will sink and you can siphon off the clear harmala water. If you DON'T WANT TO FILTER AT ALL, you can siphon off clear water from sediment water then add fresh acidic water to the sediment water and siphon that off once seperated in to two layers... nearly all the excess harmalas will be in the clear water and you can discard the sediment water. If you DO want to filter... put the seperated sediment laced water in a funnel with a coffee filter and let that drip through, if you want to do it fast you can set up multiple funnels & filters, alternatively you can follow this tek and try using a coffee filter but IME my coffee filters didn't stick perfectly to the shape of the funnel and air was sucked through but my coffee filters wern't a perfect cone. You could also try to make a flat base with some steel mesh in the funnel and place a filter on the circular mesh then this would work like a vacuum filter just with a water pump. So the tek is as follows:
It is very simple, all you need is
1x water pump (anything over 4LPM/1GPM is powerfull enough)
1x funnel (larger the better)
1x hose to connect to funnel
1x connection to connect hose water pump
1x coffee filter (works better) or cotton balls (can use wool but must roll in to balls)
1x however many glass storage jars you need
Step 1
Once you have finished you boils, strain through a flour sieve and then a t-shirt to collect most of the powdery sediment.
Step 2
Pour solution in to glass jars and let it cool in the fridge for a couple of hours. The fridge is necessary because the oils clump together when cooled and sink to the bottom. You will know when it is time because the top solution will be clear.
Step 3
Siphon the clear solution in to another jar using a clear tube. Place one jar above the other and let gravity do the work.
Step 4
Insert 4 cotton balls in to funnel and compact it with something long like a screwdriver or knife. Using more cotton balls than 4-5 will clog water flow, using less cotton balls will let sediment run through too much.
Step 5
Pour murkey sediment solution in the funnel. Usually 4 cotton balls will be enough to filter 500mls of solution depending on your water quality. If you don't want to hold the funnel I suggest placing it in something round & hollow, I used a milk crate on a chair but you could also improvise with a piece of wood with a hole in it, make sure it is well above the ground to best assist in sucking the water through.
Step 6
Discard cotton wool and replace.
Step 7
Repeat 5&6 once or twice or however many times it takes to enable the most purity
Step 8
You now have pure sediment free acid solution ready for basification or manske.
It will be an abstract artistic interpritation of something that looks like this:

Just want to give big ups to my boi pitubo, this wouldn't have been possible without all your dedication and hardwork. You have made this tek what it is today and I am so proud