Hi, over the last few days/sessions I've noticed some thing that isn't normal.
First off I'm smoking Changa with Truno Alks and its strong stuff.
It sends me into deep meditation, blindfold, bed, etc. .
I just had a session so I'm not totally normal yet by the way.(My excuse for poor English)
So I'm in a deep state and I cant now recall what was going on but near enough zero visuals just pure healing . When all of a sudden I take a deep involuntary breath.
This happened yesterday also .
I cant help but think that it must mean that my breathing had slowed down so much that my bodily instincts took over and forced me to take a deep breath.
I would say it was in the middle of the experience and some times my experiences can last for about half an hour.
Just wondering if others have experienced this involuntary deep breath.
It makes me think about the first breath we take at birth for some reason.
Cheers everyone