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Peganum Harmala Smell? Options
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#1 Posted : 6/12/2015 2:24:52 AM
Just curious what true syrian rue seeds smell like to you. Say you have 1kg, what does it smell like? The best description I can think of is kind of like dirty sunflower seeds. Or sunflower seeds mixed with an earthy/dirt material... I don't know. It isn't the easiest for me to describe.

I guess I am just curious if there is a signature scent that rue has while in seed form?

Any input is greatly appreciated!


oh and I do plan to Bioassay what I have to test for potency. I do not plan to rely on smell alone!

Thank you!
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#2 Posted : 6/12/2015 6:05:04 AM
The ones I grow- a mix of cheap fresh coffee grounds, good dirt, and a hint of black cardamom. I bought two batches in the past, one emphasized the coffee more and the other had a distinctly stronger spice smell.

I could imagine them smelling like dirt and sunflower seeds. Mine might if I really over dried them.

The smell is nice, but drinking it and then peeing under a black light is just fun Razz
#3 Posted : 6/12/2015 10:31:24 PM
^ I've never tried that, interesting!
Wonderful that you are growing your own, I hope to that one day too Thumbs up

A few hundred grams of dried seeds are being sniffed right here under my nose, from Iran the label says. Very potent batch that I've extracted harmalas from with great success.

Describing the smell is difficult, it's as complex as a grand old single malt... very strong and pungent, bitter/salty. Spicy. Dried fish, trassie... something meaty...
#4 Posted : 6/13/2015 12:09:05 PM
It depends on where I am psychospiritually. If I'm in a state that could really benefit from using Syrian rue, it smells sweet, like chocolate. Earthy, bitter chocolate.

If I'm in a state that Syrian rue would make worse, it just smells gross and nauseating.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#5 Posted : 6/13/2015 2:03:36 PM
Chocolate rotted coffee grinds in an airplane cabin
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Welcoming committee
#6 Posted : 6/13/2015 6:34:37 PM
Very nice indeed! Thank you for your descriptions. The more I smell it, the more complex it seems.


Anyway, I'm in the middle of a rue extraction via this from the wiki!

I've done it a few times with decent results. My third boil is almost done! I'll see you guys on the other side!

Thumbs up Thumbs up
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Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#7 Posted : 6/13/2015 6:47:50 PM
Not sure how to describe rue but globals sounds pretty on point. In other news, I realized the other day that heavily reduced caapi tea smells like molasses.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#8 Posted : 6/15/2015 11:56:33 PM
^I can totally imagine that, a bittersweet nectar..

I like the taste and smell of both Caapi and Rue tea, as long as it's made like regular tea for oral consumption (no acid, no long boil like an extraction). Bitter but rich...

Good luck with the extraction Grateful One! Thumbs up

Talking about smell: if the vinegar stinks up the whole house too much, you could use a non-volatile acid like phosphoric acid instead, I've used that with great success!
#9 Posted : 6/16/2015 12:24:18 AM
Cant say I ever paid much attention to the smell but on the subject of smell, I recently had the flu and since then when ever I make a cup of jasmine white tea it smells of DMT to me Surprised
Rite now im drinking Ilex Guayusa tea. It has a familiar smell but I cant place it..
Good night..
Welcoming committee
#10 Posted : 6/16/2015 12:43:02 AM
Thanks! The extraction was a success! I used 200g rue. Soaked the rue in vinegar overnight after freezing/grinding. 3 x 30min boils in 1L of water (750ml water, 250ml vinegar.)

Precipitated with salt. Dissolved solids and precipitated with salt again. Dissolved solids again and then I freebased it with sodium carbonate. I would have precipitated with salt a third time but I ran out of salt! Embarrased

Anyway, the light brownish/tan mud is drying right now in the filter but it looks like 5g at least but it is still wet so we will see...

Any tips for removing your dried harmalas from the filter? I usually just scrape it lightly with a spoon or butter knife but can never get it all!

Thank you in advance!
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#11 Posted : 6/16/2015 3:14:02 AM
A (non-exhaustive) list of possibilities:

• Coffee filters are smokeable...

• Chew it like gum for a sublingual booster dose of ß-carbolines

• Weigh the filter, dissolve the alks into mildly acid water, dry out the filter and re-weigh. You now know how much alks are dissolved (and how much more to add for a full dose)

• Collect such filters and extract them at some future date

• Get scissors and glue and poster board and make new age psychedelic black light art
Welcoming committee
#12 Posted : 6/17/2015 12:57:26 AM
Thank you! I'll likely go with this one for now.

Auxin wrote:
• Collect such filters and extract them at some future date

Anyway, total yield (so far) was 4.74g of tan powder. I got more salt so I am trying to precipitate whatever is left in the rue tea. Not the best yield but I can't complain. Besides the filtering, I love extracting!

UPDATE: Pulled an extra 3.02g from leftover rue tea. Total yield from 200g = 7.76g tan and quite active, powder! (The pic is of the 4.74g, not the whole 7.76)
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