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150 eMule files about Psychedelics Options
#1 Posted : 8/2/2007 12:40:32 PM
I noticed that all these files are out there on eMule. While many are already in the files section of this website, there may be some worth adding. Of particular interest is the first file, which also contains one of the other files further down "[Psychedelics drugs DMT LSD]The Entheogen Review 1992-2005[complete archive].rar". Anyone can download and share these files on eMule. There are good tutorials on p2p at slyck.com. I could probably put up the ed2k links if its OK with the site here, but generally if you just hook eMule up to a decent server and search you'll find 'em. Keep it lit, BigJim [size=7:584ec83d29][code:1:584ec83d29]102.ebooks.v2.0.Drugs.Psychedelics.Marijuana.Cannabis.LSD.PIHKAL.TIHKAL.Psilocybin.Magic.Mushrooms.Psilocybe.Cubensis.rar Amanita Muscaria.mpg [Ayahuasca]Ayahuasca Cookbook.doc [Ayahuasca DE]Die.kosmische.Schlange-Narby.pdf BUSTED - The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters.divx.avi [Chemistry]Organic Chemistry Laboratory Survival Manual-Zubrick-2nd Ed-0471855197.pdf [Chemistry]Recreational Drugs-Organic Chemistry.pdf Christian Ratsch-Psychoactivity The Fountain of Culture-DiaShow-5Oct1998-Shamans Nepal Shiva Mantra Mudra Thangka Drugs Plants Yeti BanJhankri phurba.avi Determination of N,N-dimethyltryptamine and b-carboline alkaloids in human plasma following oral administration of Ayahuasca.pdf [DMT]Ayahuasca Analoge-Ott.pdf [DMT]Ayahuasca Visions-Amaringo.pdf [DMT]Being outside the dominion of time-Shanon.pdf [DMT]DMT The Spirit Molecule-Strassman-0892819278.pdf DMT from Phragmites Australis the common reed.pdf [DMT]Trouts.Notes.on.the.Genus.Desmodium.pdf Documentary - Shamans Of The Amazon (2002) - Dmt, Ayahuasca, Mckenna.mpg [Drugs]Drugs and Mysticism-Pahnke-1963-[maps.org].pdf [Drugs ES]Aprendiendo de las drogas[mdma, opio, hongos, cannabis, cocaina, cafe, alcohol]-Escohotado.pdf [Drugs]From Chocolate to Morphine-Weil-0395660793.pdf [Drugs]Future Drugs-Shulgin.pdf [Drugs Ketalar]Journeys into the Bright World-Moore.pdf [Drugs]Ketalar, PCP, LSD, N20 & another Drugs[www.erowid.org].pdf [Drugs]Shulgin - Pihkal - Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved[www.erowid.org].pdf [Drugs]Shulgin - Tihkal - Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved[www.erowid.org].pdf [ebook]The Center of the Cyclone-An Autobiography of Inner Space-Lilly.pdf [ebook]The Doors Of Perception-Huxley.pdf [ebook]The Invisible Landscape-Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching-McKenna-1975-0062506358.pdf Exudation of fluorescent beta-carbolines from Oxalis tuberosa L. roots.pdf History Channel - Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way - 1 Cocaine & Crack.avi History Channel - Illegal drugs and how they got that way - 2 Opium, Morphine & Heroin.avi History Channel - Illegal drugs and how they got that way - 3 Lsd Ecstasy & The Raves.avi History Channel - Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way - 4 Marijuana & Amphetamine.avi [indymedia].[indypeer.org].Ibogaine.-.Rite.Of.Passage.2004.Dvdrip.Divx.avi Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase A by β-Carboline Derivatives.pdf Investigation of hallucinogenic and related β-carbolines.pdf jriba_thesis.pdf [LSD]Acid Dreams.The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond-Lee,Shlain.Grove Press.1985.0802130623-[maps.org].pdf [LSD DE]LSD-mein Sorgenkind,Hofmann.pdf [LSD]Handbook for the therapeutic use of lysergic acid diethylamide-25-individual and group procedures-Blewett,Chwelos-1959.2002 version-[maps.org].pdf [LSD]LSD - Complete Fbi Blotter Microgram Analysis Manual (1987).pdf [LSD]LSD, my Problem Child (with pics)-Hofmann.pdf [LSD]LSD Psychotherapy-Grof.pdf [LSD]LSD-the problem solving psychedelic-Stafford,Golightly.pdf [LSD]Remembrances of LSD therapy past-Betty Grover Eisner, Ph.D.-2002-[maps.org].pdf [LSD]Storming Heaven-LSD & The American Dream-Jay Stevens-Perennial Library-1988-006097172X-[maps.org].pdf [LSD ZH]LSD我的惹事生非的孩子-Hofmann.zip [Marijuana]Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana.pdf [Marijuana]Big Book of Buds[www.erowid.org].pdf [Marijuana DE]Cannabis-Haschisch und Marihuana-Stafford-3886312011.pdf [Marijuana]Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Growing Tips[www.erowid.org].pdf [Marijuana FR]Cannabis - Culture en Placard.pdf [Marijuana FR]Jardin.D'Intérieur.Le.Cannabis.pdf [Marijuana FR]J'Attends Une Récolte.pdf [Marijuana FR]Journal De Bord - Culture Hydroponique Du Cannabis.pdf [Marijuana FR]Le guide du cultivateur de marijuana en interieur-1988.doc [Marijuana]Guide To Growing Marijuana-Teleseeds.pdf [Marijuana]How To Grow Medical Marijuana-McCormick.pdf [Marijuana ITA]Il Manuale Cannabis Indoor-Nautilus.pdf [Marijuana]Marijuana Botany An Advanced Study-Clarke.pdf [Marijuana]Marijuana.Chemistry.Genetics.Processing.and.Potency-Starks-2ndEd.pdf [Marijuana]Marijuana Grower's Guide.doc [Marijuana]Sex On Marijuana-High Times Magazine-Nov2002.pdf [Marijuana]The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis.pdf [Marijuana]The Book Of Grass.An Anthology on Indian Hemp-George Andrews-Grove Press.1967.0140034773-[maps.org].pdf [Marijuana]The Cannabis Growers Bible.pdf [Marijuana]The Emperor Wears No Clothes-Herer.pdf [Marijuana]The Joint Rollers Handbook.pdf [Marijuana]The Marijuana Growers Guide-Frank,Rosenthal.pdf [MDMA]A Complete MDMA Synthesis for the First Time Chemist - Bright Star.pdf [MDMA]Ecstasy-The Complete Guide.Holland.0892818573.pdf [MDMA]MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy In The Treatment Of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Mithoefer.pdf [MDMA]MDMA - Ecstasy - DEA Drug Inteligence Brief.pdf [MDMA]MDMA How To Make It.pdf [MDMA]MDMA Neurochemistry.pdf Old and New Alkaloids from Zanthoxylum arborescens.pdf Partial least squares-based multivariate spectral calibration method for simultaneous determination of beta-carboline derivatives in Peganum harmala seed extracts.pdf Plant Cell Cultures - An Alternative and Efficient Source for the Production of Biologically Important Secondary Metabolites.pdf [Psilocybin DE]Drogen info- halluzinogene und zauberpilze.pdf [Psilocybin DE]Entheogene Blaetter Juli 07-2002 Drogen Thc Psilocybin Psilocin Xtc.pdf [Psilocybin DE]Psilocybe Cubensis-Handbuch der Zucht, Anwendung und Erkenntnistheorie-Zauberpilze,Magic Mushrooms-Holderblust-1.1.5.pdf [Psilocybin DE]Psilocybin Handbuch fuer die Pilzzucht-Oss,Oeric.pdf [Psilocybin DE]Psychoaktive Pilze-Bestimmungskarten-Gartz.pdf [Psilocybin]Experiment in the Home Cultivation of Psychedelic Mushrooms - A journal of a growing project..doc [Psilocybin]Field Guide To The Psilocybin Mushroom.pdf [Psilocybin FR]Guide de Culture des Champignons Magiques pour champotes-The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide-[hallucinogene psilocybe mexique entheogene mycologie psychoactif psychédélique].pdf [Psilocybin]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.pdf [Psilocybin]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.CV.pdf [Psilocybin]How To Grow Magic Mushrooms A Simple Psilocybe Cubensis Growing Technique.pdf [Psilocybin]How To Grow Magic Mushrooms. A simple Psilocybe Cubensis Growing Technique[www.erowid.org].pdf [Psilocybin]Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide 1976.pdf [Psilocybin]Magic Mushrooms-A New Indoor Growing Technique[www.erowid.org].pdf [Psilocybin]Magic.Mushrooms.Around.The.World-Gartz-1997.pdf [Psilocybin]Magic Mushrooms Of Australia & Newzealand-Allen[www.erowid.org].pdf [Psilocybin]Mushrooms and Mankind-Arthur.pdf [Psilocybin]Pf Tek Growing Mushrooms.pdf [Psilocybin]Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World - Paul Stamets_fixed.pdf [Psilocybin]Psilocybin-My.Psilocybin.Growing.Project.pdf [Psilocybin]Psilocybin Production - Adam Gottlieb.pdf [Psilocybin]The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide-Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vaults[www.erowid.org].pdf [Psilocybin]The Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Stamets,Chilton-Agarikon Press-1983-0961079800.CV.pdf [Psilocybin]The Psilocybin Mushroom Image Guide[www.erowid.org].pdf [Psilocybin]The Psilocybin Producers Guide,Gottlieb.pdf [Psilocybin]The Psilocybin Solution-Powell.pdf [Psilocybin]The Sacred Mushroom And The Cross - John Allegro.pdf [Psilocybin]World_Wide_Distribution_of_Magic_Mushrooms[www.erowid.org].pdf Psychedelic - Amanita Muscaria - The Mushroom That Shaped The Universe (2000).avi [Psychedelics DE]Enzyklopädie.der.psychoaktiven.Pflanzen-Rätsch.pdf [Psychedelics drugs DMT LSD]The Entheogen Review 1992-2005[complete archive].rar [Psychedelics]Food of the Gods-McKenna.pdf [Psychedelics FR]Le Champignon divin de l'immortalité-Wasson[entheogene dieu chaman occultisme magie hallucinogene psilocybe mexique mycologie psychoactif psychédélique].pdf [Psychedelics]Growing the Hallucinogens[erowid.org].pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogenic Drugs And Plants In Psychotherapy And Shamanism-Metzner-1998.pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogenic.Plants-A.Golden.Guide.pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogens And Culture-Furst-Chandler & Sharp Publishers-1976-0883165171-[maps.org].pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogens and dissociative agents naturally growing inthe United States-Halpern-2004.pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogens And Shamanism-Harner-1973.pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogens-Neurochemical, behavioral and clinical perspectives (Jacobs, 1984).pdf [Psychedelics]Hallucinogens,Nichols.pdf [Psychedelics]Mescaline The Chemistry And Pharmacology Of Its Analogs-Shulgin.pdf [Psychedelics]Peyote and other Psychoactive Cacti-Gottlieb.pdf [Psychedelics]Plants of the Gods-Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers-Schultes,Hofmann,Rätsch-2001-0892819790.CV.pdf [Psychedelics]Psychedelic Shamanism,DeKorne.pdf [Psychedelics]The Entheogen Review.pdf [Psychedelics]The Psychedelic Experience-Leary,Metzner,Alpert.pdf [Psychedelics]The Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogens-Abraham,Adridge,Gogia-1996.pdf [Psychedelics]The Road to Eleusis-Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries-R. Gordon Wasson,Albert Hofmann,Carl A. P. Ruck-091514820X-[maps.org].pdf [Psychedelics]The Secret Chief Revealed: Conversations with a pioneer of the underground psychedelic therapy movement-Myron J. Stolaroff-1997-0966001966-[maps.org].pdf [Psychedelics]The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience-Masters, Houston-Dell Publishing-1966-0892818972-[maps.org].pdf [Psychedelics]Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness-McKenna.pdf Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Long-Term Peyote Use Among Native Americans.pdf Root specific elicitation and exudation of fluorescent b-carbolines in transformed root cultures of Oxalis tuberosa.pdf Simple.Indole.Bases.of.Desmodium.Gangeticum.Banerjee.Ghosal.pdf Terence McKenna The Last Word 1999.mpg The Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Fingerprint to Phragmites Communis Trin. a Traditional Chinese Medicine.pdf The Occurrence of Indolealkylamine Alkaloids in Phalaris Tuberosa L. and P. Arundinacea L..pdf Two 5-HT1A Receptor-Interactive Tryptamine Derivatives from the Unripe Fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa.pdf [/code:1:584ec83d29][/size:584ec83d29]
#2 Posted : 8/2/2007 12:43:56 PM
I've noticed people posting some of these videos on to youtube. Or repackaging them and sharing them via newsgroups or bittorrent. Would be great if some of the extraction teks were made into videos and put on youtube. http://www.bluelight.ru/...&threadid=141741 is a useful link too. One thing I've been looking everywhere for is The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research. Not sure how many volumes were published, but I saw a glimpse of volume 2 on eMule.
#3 Posted : 10/29/2007 1:37:24 AM
You can get the Heffter review directly from their website: http://www.heffter.org/pages/review.html there are only two volumes that I am aware of
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