just recieced my 250 grams of darco..anyone familiar with traditional brewing methods and dosages? I read that it is best boiled for a bit to get the active medicines out of it, as opposed to just pouring the boiling water over it?..I was going to start low with maybe 2-5 grams a day.. I also recently discovered that this medicine is endangered..so feel sort of bad for ordering it, but I feel it will really help me so I want to grow it..anyone have any information or experience cultivating this medicine? Long live the unwoke.
It's a big fuck off tree right? Could take a while.
yeah I know, I dont plan of using it, just growing it..so it's there for us in the future. Long live the unwoke.
..ok well I cant seem to find too much info on traditional brewing methods...so I went the cappi route and put 10 grams into some pure spring water and set it on low to simmer for an hour or so..than I will strain and maybe brew once more and combine the liquids and take a 5th of the brew each morning..to get a tea of 2 grams each time to start.. should I expect any mild psychoactive/anti-anxiety effects at all? or is it all just other health benifits? Long live the unwoke.
i found this: Quote:Finally, many consumers and practitioners are unaware that, for the best results when extracting these particular active chemicals (even after obtaining the correct species), the bark and/or wood must be boiled at least 8–10 minutes—rather than brewed as a simple tea or infusion (lapachol and the other quinoids are not very water soluble).
fractal enchantment wrote:..ok well I cant seem to find too much info on traditional brewing methods...so I went the cappi route and put 10 grams into some pure spring water and set it on low to simmer for an hour or so..than I will strain and maybe brew once more and combine the liquids and take a 5th of the brew each morning..to get a tea of 2 grams each time to start..
should I expect any mild psychoactive/anti-anxiety effects at all? or is it all just other health benifits? It's just a nice, mild and healthy tea to the best of my knowledge. I think an hour long boil's pretty excessive too. I let it sit in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes with a little stirring. Secondary brews from spent bark don't really yield much either. It does have a nice sweet smile and a gentle taste though. That said though people seem to be getting impressive effects with it as a changa admixture.