It's well known that exposing LSA solutions to high temperatures will destroy it. But what exactly is this high temperature that destroys it? Or maybe it's also about for how long LSA can be exposed to what temperature to get destroyed?
I've red somwhere that 69ron used to do an initial acetone extraction of HBWR in a soxhlet. That would mean LSA was exposed to around 57 deg. C for a few hours at least. And he claimed his furhter endproduct did work.
Because if it would be possible to safely warm LSA solutions to some extent for some time with not much loses then for example one could make a full defat with DCM in a soxhlet and then make a tincture of the left seeds. A very simple TEK.
Anybody has some experience with warming LSA a bit?
I've asked the same thing and searched quite a bit with no direct answers. I was interested in the subilmation of LSA. I can say that you can boil LSA in water (so at least 100c) and still have a usable product. Now whether or not any of it was destroyed I can't say.
It could simply be a myth that heat destroys ergolines. We should test this out.