It is my first time with Acacia. I begun with powdered 200g. My tek is Max ion.
I am in the middle of pulls on base solution. It stood all night. Now there is some sandy-gray-white dust like sediment. It is mostly swimming on the surface of base layer, but also swims in streaks within the solvent layer. I never spotted anything like this before, till now I was working with mimosa. Please can you help me to understand what is it?
I wonder is it fats, but I have already done defatting?
Life is Love expressed in infinite ways.
Love is oneness and one is all.
Ego cogito, ego erro, cor sict. - I think, I mistake, soul knows.
If I am that which is nothing that exist but receives existence, what can happen to me, even if there will be no existence - that will be my purity.