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Subjective effects of different harmala alkaloids? Options
#1 Posted : 1/22/2015 10:55:06 PM
Harmalkaloids? Smile


I've noticed that the effects, taste and smell of Syrian Rue that is gently heated for 3 minutes in water are completely different from those of Syrian Rue that has been boiled/simmered for a while. I assume this has to do with the conversion of certain alkaloids into others. But what is getting converted into what?

To be more specific, when I just heat it, I feel the effects within an hour: nausea, ego softening, trance, sedation, etc. But, when I drink it after it has been boiled, the effects come on very gradually over the course of a few days. This is the way it is with many other substances for me--I understand I'm a weird case.

But nevertheless, the effects are different. I'm particularly interested in the properties (psychological effects and conversion properties) of Harmine, which has some interesting medicinal benefits.

From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#2 Posted : 2/7/2015 8:47:26 AM
~~No one knows~~
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#3 Posted : 2/7/2015 9:49:44 AM
There are threads about the effects of harmalas, seek and ye shall find Wink
#4 Posted : 2/7/2015 1:31:42 PM
I actually did a lot of searching in the harmalas section. I did not find what I was looking for. When you enter in "Harmine" and "effects" or whatever, you get a million results. The search tool did not serve me well, and I'm pretty good when it comes to searching.

What I did find was tentative conjecture, anyway. I searched, believe me. A lot.

...Not to mention what boiling does what to what. I looked hard, I promise!
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#5 Posted : 2/7/2015 2:28:43 PM

Near the end of this thread some links on harmala alkaloid pharmacology were provided, but honestly I've searched thoroughly, and the information regarding the pharmacology of harmala alkaloids in relation to ROA or preperation is sparse to non-existent.

If you do find any novel information please share, thanks,

#6 Posted : 2/7/2015 11:24:05 PM

Rhythmspring you are right there is very little regarding the conversion of harmalas by heat however the many extractions done seem to indicate heat does not convert harmalas to anything else so maybe thats why there is no data?

I did pick up on one thing and that the salts of harmalas are moderately soluble in a dilute acidic aqueous solution, maybe a too low pH cuases complications?

However regarding the psychological properties of harmalas I would say there is plenty of infomation on the web. Im not having a snipe you may have been just looking in the wrong place.


Harmaline readily modulates the levels of amine neurotransmitters via inhibition of monoamine oxidase. It may directly bind to specific receptors including 5-HT, benzodiazepine and imidazoline receptors .

There are so many different active plant metabolites in syrian rue I think maybe the Iranians could be the most likely to have any information on this.


You certainly do have a unique me body if a brew comes on gradually over a few days! Maybe this is down to the knock-on effects harmalas have on the brain or that your gently simmered brew just wasnt an efficient extraction meaning you only had a low dose?
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