Hi, I had the opportunity to try LSD that I've receieved from a friend. he gave me half a blotter, telling me that I should first try a small piece, then decide whether or not to go for the rest or piece it again some more.
I took his advice, got a very mild experience a few days ago, but I decided that next time (this time) I'll just take the rest.
Mindset: in between stressful episodes, christmas, I'm opening a shop (physical shop, not online) etc... not that stressed out, but definitely in a stressful place. I decided to took today off, stay with my girlfriend and just see where the trip takes me.
11:39am, I eat the thing (swallowed with some rolling paper), my friend told me it'd take about an hour to kick in.
an hour later, not much is happening, slight body buzz, maybe that wasn't enough. Anyway, that's all that was left.
about 3 to 4 hours in, I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee when some insect enters my kitchen and freaks me out big time. for some reason I'm scared of the thing like it was satan, I got chills in my whole body.
Thankfully, my girlfriend saves me and put the thing away. But the result was me, getting huge chills through my whole body. it was not THAT unpleasant, but some switch definitely got turned on in my head.
now I'm starting to feel it very well, the visual aspect was still sort of "muted" tho.
After a good while (maybe an hour, maybe less), my girlfriend and I decide to go for a walk. I'm definitely feeling very "trippy" at that point, very good feeling indeed.
While walking outside, we crossed a very nice and slightly retarded young adult, he's always very friendly and greet us with a cheerful christmas wish. A few minutes later, my girlfriend repeats the same words, and I could feel a connection between this other person and my girlfriend through these very words. How he gave her something, that she then took for herself and gave to someone else (back to me in this case). it made me think of the potential of words in getting through to people, even far away.
We went to a park nearby and the feeling of connection was amazing, there were these patterns of energy flowing in between the trees, through the grass, some flowers. I felt like I was receieving messages from the trees, the plants, lots of powerful energy.
At some point, I felt like walking in a counter clockwise, inwards spiral. I have no idea, it felt like "charging" some energy, and when we were at the top, I kissed my girlfriend, releasing this energy in some explosion! We did it a few more times (she didn't take anything but she was supportive and definitely along for the ride, I'm thankful for that).
Some other stuff happened there, but basically, we then went home. The trip was really kickin in at this point, and the energy became very sexual, very quickly. So we just went on and made love (best I've ever had in my life, featuring full spectrum visuals, very sharp, angular, explosions and what-have-you.
After that, she wanted to take a nap and the skies already started to turn to night so I decided to sit in silence, explore my inner-verse. The trip was still going strong so I thought I'd get the most of it.
Following was a very introspective, very hippy-trippy closed eyes visuals (like the classic hippie/psychedelics visuals), some confusing message about the "counter clockwise inwards spiral", some message of it related to time control, it was all more confusing than anything at this point (I'm still coming down from the trip as I write). I was sitting in the dark, completely naked (usually I'm not very comfortable being naked, but at the time, it felt "right", I could feel the energies flow through my whole body that much better).
At some point I stood up, walked a little (spiral?) and for some reason, "learned" how to stand upright properly (!)
I woke my girlfriend up as we started to prepare for dinner, I still felt quite trippy but now, and for at least an hour long, my body was shaken by powerful, regular chills, it was very far from unpleasant but probably was mildly annoying to my girlfriend.
We watched a movie (i origin), my first movie on LSD, it was quite an experience (and it seemed like a fairly appropriate movie)
now, a few hours later, I'm coming down, my body, mind, spirit are exhausted, but I also feel like yesterday was ten years ago. It still is all very confusing, but I wanted to share this experience firsthand with my fellow nexians.
It was my first, and probably last in a long time LSD trip. I went into psychedelics through DMT, but I had the opportuninty to try LSD so I did. I never broke through on DMT, but the LSD trip seems much more "navigable" with tons of things to go through.
I'm glad, tho, that it didn't went bad. A bad DMT trip can be hell, but at least it will be short.
from what I took (I honestly have no idea how much that was, but according to my friend, half a blotter would be more than enough for a deep experience) it seemed to me that DMT is much more "reality dissolving" while LSD did let me enjoy, appreciate and play with some energies around (and I noticed a significantly bigger amount of energy while surrounded by nature), on DMT, I feel more like a spectactor of some insane spectacle that takes place in an instant. LSD made me feel the connections.
This was really nice. I haven't done LSD in a long time, but I've thought about it enough to convince myself that I've got it all figured out. It's nice to read a trip report by someone who isn't so arrogant as me. I can't remember the feeling of wonder and adventure; all I can remember is the destination, and the journey is forgotten. Thank you. Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.