I no there's a thread on safe vaping with age limits that are deemed to be safe with ( Blood pressure , heart , etc ) but being a family man with teens , what age should or would you let you're kids or younger people vape safely ??
Well my son is aged 17 he knows what I do as he's seen it being extracted and it was next to the ice cream once ! Lol But seriously , in him knowing his starting be very curious about the subject , the problem I have is this ! I think he's not fully grown or matured ! Although he is very adapt and on the ball and is very aware but will it affect him in a psychological negative way , but it's only a question so please everyone I'm not condoning drug use with the teenage kiddies !!
I have been thinking about this a lot recently, my children are still very young, 4 & 6 years old, so nowhere near ready to experience this. But I have been contemplating the correct time to tell them what it is I spend so much of my time on and why. I think it may be a useful tool in the late teens, between 16-19 years old, to help show them the more spiritual side of life and perhaps help them avoid making bad decisions at a party with careless friends. I also plan to be the first person they smoke weed with. It may even help them to decide what sort of path they'd like to venture out on when the time comes to start a life seperate from their parents. Although I don't believe the teenage years are the best for dealing with psychoactive substances, I do believe that with guidance and a knowledgable person whom you've trusted with your entire life, that it can be a positive and educational experience. I would never just hand my kids, no matter how old, a vial of my finest extract and say have at it. I would introduce it to them the same way I introduce it to other people, by first explaining what it is scientifically, then I would delve into the more sacred and respect for the plant aspect. Only after careful consideration and a few long talks would I allow them to try it out. And of course the method the would indulge in would have to be the infamous..... Changa in the bonga!!!! EDIT: I chose changa because I want them to experience the nice slow come up and not traumatized them and scare them away from what could possibly be one of the greatest experiences of their lives. "Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" ~Albus Dumbledore
I think it all depends on there mental age i know boys of 20 years old and man of 18, For me thinking back more then a decade ago, I smoked dmt and ate mushrooms for the first time when I was 16 years old. In hind side I would have wished I waited a year or two. When your that young or at least me, its difficult to reflect on experiences, let alone on the full blown psychedelic effects of dmt. In the end it caused me to take a serious break from everything, not that that is a problem but the trauma from a series of serious dark experiences was kinda to much to handle. Disclaimer: All Expandeum's notes, messages, postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts or other material submitted via this forum and or website are completely fictional and are not in any way based on real live experience.
expandaneum wrote:I think it all depends on there mental age i know boys of 20 years old and man of 18, Definitely this. I know fully-grown men in their thirties who act like they are 13 years-old. I have also met teenagers who are as, if not more responsible than you're average "adult". Age is merely a number, an abstract concept which is essentially meaningless in most contexts. What matters is a person's mental/spiritual wisdom and maturity, and whether or not their mind is capable of approaching these things with caution, curiosity, and most importantly respect.
I think the longer slower easier transition of drinking is a great idea. The experience can be very disconcerting. Pharmacologically this is something that doesn't feel "toxic" to me. More importantly in context of this thread is the non addictive quality of this medicine. If the disease of addiction does exist I have it. Somehow though there is No obssesive (well maybe I spend a little more time on here than I should) and absolutely no compulsive hitting of the pipe for me. I will admit sometimes when I ask kikker and he says "Smoke Now" I still don't do it. So it is my opinion that it's not going to cause brain damage like alcohol does and it's not gonna turn into a habit like if he tried ciggarettes and liked them.
My first time smoking mimosa extract my room mate was in the room and asked for some. He was 27 at the time. He has an IQ of 70 and Assburgers Syndrome, I told him no and this is a decision that I regret. He saw pill and heroin abuse, he saw cocaine being done and never wanted any part of that..... other than hanging out with the women. Something that he saw in this he wanted to try. There seems to be a similar element in that a person with eyes to see, in this case your son, wants in. If I had it to do over again I would share. The person I answered no to is still working retail. In a few months your son will be old enough to join the Army. I think knowing what ages indeginous people let the young ones partake of the ceremonies would be a clue as to what is safe.
What I can't help but think is what are the drugs that are available to kids the age I was when I started, today? When I compare spice to what is around now it seems like a MUCH better choice. When I think about what I get out of spice it's worth the pursuit to me. You have a big choice to make that you have set into motion. It's not like he saw some trashy joe rogan podcast and came up with the request. (not knocking Joe Rogan) Kids see more than we think that they see. He is making this request after being around it and maybe even seeing you glowing and more happy to be alive the next day. Sometimes with big decisions (This is pretty friggin big) It helps me to ask myself: "What would a smart person choose?" Though this can be a shattering experience it evaporates and is over quickly. As long as he isn't running with scissors to climb a ladder over the pool when he takes that 3rd pull he will be okay. Thank the Lord there is no Spring Dead tour for him to run away to comming up.
"Further Up and Further In" Aslan
For weed, I say 14 or 15. I started at 16, and I realized that I was kind of a bad, egotistical, overstressed person before I began. Just weed can be very powerful for a youngster with no prior drug experience. For DMT, it's difficult to say. I began at 17/18 and am fine. I'd say that if you're looking at it through a moral lens, then it really depends on the person's maturity level, and maybe not even that. Psychedelics forced me to grow up; I would be much younger mentally now without them. So an individual would have to be gauged to see if they'd actually benefit from use, or just be catapulted into insanity (for having to face their true selves, for instance). Through a physical lens, you would have to ask a researcher/doctor. Of course when they say teens shouldn't smoke weed, I feel that's mostly propaganda, but 13 year olds should probably not be eating LSD blotters. I wouldn't be so quick to tell others what to do or how to live their lives, but having all of the information first is helpful to everyone. "Think for yourself and question authority." - Leary
"To step out of ideology - it hurts. It's a painful experience. You must force yourself to do it." - Žižek
I don't think there's one universal answer--I think it depends on whether or not you feel that your kid is ready for it. I was 19 the first time I vaped DMT, and I'm glad I had never tried it sooner--but that's just me. As far as ayahuaca, I have only partaken once. I attended a local ceremony and the family hosting it had 2 kids. One of the kids was somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12 (can't really remember) and he drank just as much as everyone else and handled it like a champ. This kid has drunk(drank?) a LOT of medicine in his life and could probably give a few Nexians a run for their money. So yeah I think it just depends on who the person is, but I know for damn sure I wasn't ready for any kind of psychedelic before I was 18. "Consciousness grows in spirals." --George L. Jackson If you can just get your mind together, then come across to me. We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea... But first, are you experienced?