I would like to see DMT stay underground, almost cultish, but look at how spreading the word about marijuana these days is causing it to become not taboo anymore, even accepted and talked about amongst the tie-wearing-previously-marijuana-haters. The media reports on the benefits of marijuana, and the media believers follow, now it is mainstream.
Maybe DMT can follow the same trend as the current marijuana debate these days...it should, but idk
Those who would do it would do it anyway, those who wouldn't might not. I believe that everyone should have a psychedelic experience at least once in his or her life, yes, even my Grandma, good or bad at least they would be exposed to mind expansion for the compassion of others.
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.