This morning as I was driving in the midwestern USA at about 3AM, may 28th...
I noticed a bright object in the sky. It was overhead and to the NW. It appeared in luminosity to be about twice the magnitude of Venus rising in the early morning. I thought, "that's a planet," but it's position was not where a planet would appear! It looked just as Venus would look by about 4AM, but fully at least twice as bright, and in the complete wrong part of the sky... it was natural looking just like a star and didn't flicker. I'd say there was no way it was a sattelite, for a few seconds that I saw it, it was ABSOLUTELY the brightest object in the sky TIMES TEN. After glowing for about 2-3 seconds, BRIGHTLY... it faded slowly to a pinpoint and then appeared as the other stars in the sky, I tracked it visually as it dimmed to star appearance...
But, for a few seconds that I observed it, it GLOWED BRILLIANTLY a full 2-3X the magnitude of venus in the AM! And then it faded into normal star appearance...
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."