What's your point hysterix? What's your goal? What truth are you trying to reveal? That this forum is a haven for criminals, and ignorant, delusional ones at that?
Personally, if I were a good capitalist, I would set up proxy servers just to collect a log of IP's and their activities (since most people using proxies inevitably are engaged in questionable activity) and sell info to various law enforcement agencies or other interested parties. Maybe that's a little far-fetched. And do you really think that stealing wifi is going to protect you from anyone who is actually trying to bust you? I'm not saying that your precautions are entirely futile (if at all), but it's important to remain critical and to not get too comfortable.
I certainly don't feel safe or secure by any security measures I take on these forums. I've had run-ins with the law in the past for drug-related allegations and have done some time and lost much because of it; I know that they can and will do everything in their power to put me away if they feel so inclined, so what am I doing on a forum like this? Maybe I've tasted something that strongly entices me and I find it hard to sever myself from it, especially since I've given so much for it. I contribute what I can to the knowledge-base and compromise myself as little as possible by avoiding self-incrimination (the absolute worst thing one can do, from my experience), until the day when prohibition ends (when and if), or until I am qualified and fortunate enough to legitimately engage myself in the research of such things.
I'll continue using SWIM and a disclaimer, despite the ridicule, thank you very much.
hysterix wrote:You are wrong my friend, I'm sorry but you are not a computer science major and I actually know what I am talking about here.
As a non-traditional student and also as a self-fashioned intellectual, there's nothing I hate worse than students who claim expertise in a field simply because it's their major. In the military, people fresh out of training tend to act and feel like they're the shit, but when they get into the fleet, they're referred to as "boots" and soon find out that they still have a long way to go. Most of what I know about my major, I've learned from experience, and I'm still certainly no expert; but I probably know more about plenty of other fields of study than most majors of that field, simply as a result of taking on a DIY ethos and actually engaging myself in it--and yes, also reading up on it. But still, I claim no expertise in...well...anything at all really. I find that I learn more by trying to display a level of humility and treating others respectfully. Ideally, the more one knows, the more one knows how much they don't know.
I hope that there is no sign of mudslinging in my post. I was debating whether I should even post at all, but despite the horrendous manner in which this thread deals with them, there are some very serious matters under discussion here. Why discuss anything if we can't do so in a civil manner?