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FASW for Harmala (Syrian Rue Ext.) Freebase to Fumarate Options
#1 Posted : 3/29/2014 5:58:06 AM
Preface: I understand Harmala freebase is considered relatively stable if stored properaly and that freebase is acceptable for use in pharma preperations but humour me for a moment still, if you will.

So I have been thinking lately about the conversion of Harmala freebase (extracted from syrian rue, using Gibrans Easy Caapi extraction found here )to Harmala fumarate using a FASW technique.

I have read Trav's post about this conversion using a FASA methond here . However, given the relative insolubility of Harmala Fb in (presumably) anhydrous acetone (200 mg / 30 ml) I figured why bother with acetone, when Harmala Fb is practically insoluble in water too.

Here are my thoughts about this conversion:
I would like to add a relatively accurate amount of fumaric acid for a set amount of harmala freebase, for example as we do in the FB to Fum conversion of dmt (where we add ~ 309 mg of fumaric acid per gram of dmt). Though I understand it would be difficult to determine exactly, given variances in the constitutions of our Syrian Rue/ Caapi (Harmala Extracts - this would be easier if we seperated the harmalas first) the reason for this would to avoid needing to do a wash to rid ourselves of any left over fumaric acid.

To do this we would need an estimated avg of the molecular weight of our extract. I have calculated a rough estimate ignoring the fact that Harmine, Harmaline, and Tetrahydroharmine occuring in different rations (and assumed equal proportions).

Harmine FB = 212.25 g / mol
Harmaline FB = 216.279 g / mol
THH 216.279 g / mol ( this has to be incorrect but it is taken from erowid )

Given, the avg would be 214.936 and using some simple math we would need .54g of Fumaric Acid to convert 1 g of Harmala Freebase.

Here are my thoughts on the procedure:
1 - Create solution using .54g of F. A in a minimal amount of water (dont remember the amount I used in my trial but my notes say I had to warm the solution to get it all dissolved)

2 - Add 1 g of Harmala Ext to FASW solution. Stir well, filter if necessary ( I thought I had relatively clean extract but upon conversion back to an acid some sediment was apparent).

3 - Reduce the solution, which should now contain your Harmala Fumarate, completely (I used a fan).

4 - Wash (here I had 2 thoughts on this)

i) Using water ala Burnts FASa alteration of final product. Where we would attempt to dissolve our Harmala fumarate in a minimal amount of water, leaving any extra FA on the bottom. However when I tried this I needed > 100 ml of dH20, which would mean any FA would be dissolved in the water as FA is soluble in water at a ratio of .63 g/100ml

ii) Using anhydrous Acetone given that Fa is soluble in acetone @ 7 mg / ml (info found here )..

However, if we could determine a relatively precise amount of FA needed this whole wash business could be avoided for the sake of FA removal (might be useful for removing other impurities - though I am not sure)

Please let me know your thoughts about all of this, all comments welcome.
Thanks for reading and critiquing.
The Dude
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny"

"My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too Loud

Profile Picture by David Aronson, http://www.alchemicalwedding.com/index.html
#2 Posted : 3/29/2014 5:29:19 PM
What would be the advantage of having it as a fumarate, over a coffee filtered + dried manske version? Thanks.
#3 Posted : 3/30/2014 5:03:06 PM
I suppose there would be no advantage, that I can see to have fumarate vs hcl. And tbh I have never even attempted a mansake on any of my Harmala extracts.

To my understanding fumarate salts of dmt are more stable than hcl IIRC, though I am not sure the same would apply here.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny"

"My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too Loud

Profile Picture by David Aronson, http://www.alchemicalwedding.com/index.html
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