Hey Powerful Medicine,
I have the utmost respect for your research methodologies, your precision, the effectiveness of your communication, and thoroughly relate to your interests, both here and on other fora.
Your experiences align with mine completely.
3g mild sedation, insights, a feeling of being thoroughly in touch with myself. Minor body stone, a good head space and MAO inhibition effective enough for DMT. No nausea.
5-7 g and up big differences. Last night I had effects for 8 hours, slept through part of it but was mostly alert and intuitive. Some minor visionary insights. Really noticeable visuals along the lines of trails, shuttering of my open eye perception (a flickering that seemed to stall and then advance flames forward). At these more substantial doses noticeable loss of coordination and an overall feeling of electric charging of the nervous system which was not unpleasant but not necessarily overall euphoria. If I had cannabis on hand I would have been significantly psychedelically altered even moreso.
I'd suggest experimenting with Rue alone and forego DMT until you feel like you have an interesting space created with Rue, then titrate oral DMT doses in multiple sessions with the harmala headspace definitive and familiar. I look back and wish I had been more thorough with this approach style, as some fumbling with my Rue familiarity sort of shortchanged what my desired outcome would be. But overall I found your rue experiences relatable and familiar, if maybe somewhat light, but I get really intense results from Rue and have the utmost respect for this plant teacher/ally.
Your boils sound very thorough but I wonder about the possible degradation of harmala with such long boils. I know research results from others might support a lack of degradation with boiling but my empirical evidence from my own administration leads me to believe that grinding the seeds pretty thoroughly and boiling twice with only decanting to give me great results. In fact I usually just work with the first decanting and save the second for the next time I boil some rue, reduce that and it's really only due to not wanting to waste my materials that I boil more than once.
I even wonder about cooling my boils. I wonder about precipitation at those temps irritating my stomach, because if I drink a few cups or more of it warm I never get nausea. For example last night, I drank the results of the first boil warm, using 8 grams of seeds, and was very sufficiently altered/elevated, with a great headspace. NO nausea at all! I consumed a peanut butter sandwich just after guzzling this amount of liquid. Noted to myself that nearly no seed residues were contained in the decant, as the nausea overall is my least favorite part of this kind of oral administration of rue.
One really significant effect was looking in the mirror. The glass appeared to have 1-3 spots in the middle of a sort of water drop hitting the glass effect, with a nearly instant rippling or trails on the border of the mirror just moments later. And it was duplicable, and I could play with trails and this visual effect. However not being the most profound of results, introducing DMT at this level would be phenomenal if some was on hand. Darn you hindsights, thank you hindsights. I'll split it with me 50/50. Heh.
The feeling of knowing "answers" rapidly to somewhat complex human questions/interactions, a kind of cognitive conductivity or higher frequency of mind being attained, general intuition and self-esteem/appreciation being my more desirable results in this space are what seems really remarkable to me about this plant medicine.
Love love love you Syrian Rue
Respect Powerful Medicine, happy trails and see ya around the site

Peace and love ~Ø~
"The world is his, who can see through it's pretension...see it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it its final blow..." -Ralph W. Emerson