I suggest salting and rebasing then pull on the new solution with fresh NP to get a clean extract. Save the original NP for defatting or an evap. Im sure you may have pulled other alkaloids too due to the heat but theyll salt out too away from the oils and other organic substances.
DreaMTripper wrote:I suggest salting and rebasing then pull on the new solution with fresh NP to get a clean extract. Save the original NP for defatting or an evap. Im sure you may have pulled other alkaloids too due to the heat but theyll salt out too away from the oils and other organic substances.
Well i got a few fat nice crystals just putting jar in ice overnight..,,, [because ...[freezer not working] It seems that temp wasnt at falt... because if solvent was rich enough ..i would have gotten more crystals over 14 hours... So i am adding more base..and salt and see what happens... Looking at my results... any further advice beyond more base and salt? mimosa is soo much easier! starway6 attached the following image(s): DSC08388.JPG (2,305kb) downloaded 211 time(s). DSC08391.JPG (2,563kb) downloaded 213 time(s). DSC08392.JPG (2,743kb) downloaded 211 time(s). DSC08396.JPG (2,774kb) downloaded 211 time(s).
Not looking too bad at all! I actually meant salt out as in acidify to do a mini ab to get it away from the oils etc then rebase and pull again.
After reducing my napatha pulls ..hopefully causing a saturtated effect.. Because my freezer is not working to well.. I buried reduced napatha into an ice chest for 14 hours...[ice temp about 40 degrees?] In morning upon first look ..[I asumed oh no not more goo!]..It apeared at first like a film of goo on bottom of dish?.. but quickly emptying out the napatha and putting fan on it.. After drying..I got this results below... This stuff apeares to be a ..[crystal frost]..that scrapeed up very nicely! These were not fat beautyfull crystals but i think a lot of tiny crystals in a frost form.. Has anyone seen this before? starway6 attached the following image(s): DSC08398.JPG (2,990kb) downloaded 184 time(s). DSC08399.JPG (3,328kb) downloaded 182 time(s). DSC08405.JPG (3,043kb) downloaded 180 time(s).
yeah that's normal. enjoy INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
Next step is hyperspace. Well done. Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
I think an elf left some magic in your container
Im starting to understand how to get crystals out of Acacia..without a freezer..and without defatting.. It seems that anytime the pull comes out too waxy..i just add more lye..vinagar...salt ..and that pushes the spice out leaving behind most of the oils and waxes... Most recent pull this morning came out white with very little ..[oils and waxes]..although a little present... Below... More DMT frost this morning! starway6 attached the following image(s): DSC08434.JPG (3,350kb) downloaded 126 time(s).
Are you measuring pH throughout this extraction? Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
--Shadow wrote:Are you measuring pH throughout this extraction?
I Dont have a ph tester..yet.. just guessing,,,
Just get some pH paper, no need for a meter. It is cheaper and paper doesnt need to be regularly calibrated either. Atleast if you are going to be doing more extraction. --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.