This is my first Harmala extraction so a little experimenting was involved to help better understand the process. The picture is of the needles formed in the salted manske(yellow butterscotch) and the tan is the free base. both recently filtered, still wet and drying. Does anyone have a preference as to eating salt or fb? Does the dosage stay the same regardless of its form? Should the pH be around 7 give or take regardless its form at the time of consumption? Binary Drool attached the following image(s):  SaltFB.jpg (54kb) downloaded 138 time(s).We actually worship incomprehensibility as the highest form of explanation. ~TM
FB were salted and mansked. yield ~3,5g All mixed We actually worship incomprehensibility as the highest form of explanation. ~TM
Binary Drool attached the following image(s):  20140211_224425.jpg (2,050kb) downloaded 124 time(s).We actually worship incomprehensibility as the highest form of explanation. ~TM
Good job BD,
ph of free base should be above 8, not to loose harmaline.
But i have the same question of the quantiy of the two. In my poor chemistry knowledge acetate has only H yon, and free base has OH yon which is much heavier I would say. And we take 500mg of free base, and as per Jees max of acetate to take is half or 250 mg, so I assume acetate should be taken less than free base.
Lets see what others have to say.
Best Jox
I took 150mg sublingually tonight at 10pm. -Very bitter not sour, doesn't taste like salt contamination. I'm going to over the next few days experiment with harmala only doses. I want to see at what does it becomes psychedelic, and at what dose I become nauseas. I will incorporate dmt eventually. 10:30pm I ate 2 PB&Js on hamburger rolls. We actually worship incomprehensibility as the highest form of explanation. ~TM
Afaik, salt is heavier than freebase. endlessness wrote: SYRIAN RUE HARMALA EXTRACT (HARMINE/HARMALINE MIX) * Oral:150-250mg
HARMALINE. * Oral: 100-150mg Sublingual (for vaporized dmt potentiation): 15-30mg
HARMINE * Oral: 150-250mg Sublingual (for vaporized dmt potentiation): 30mg
THH (tetrahydroharmine) Oral: 150 - 250mg - Note: Does NOT orally activate DMT, too weak MAOI. Some sellers sold mixture of THH/harmine Sublingual (for vaporized dmt potentiation): 30mg
* Values for freebase harmalas. For HCl weight, if pure, increase around 5-10%, but often HCl has salt contamination and therefore values need to be even further increased. You can dissolve a known amount of harmalas HCl in water and add a base to precipitate the freebase, and then when weighing the freebase you'll have a good idea how pure the HCl was.
NOTE: (thanks acolon) contents may vary depending on batch, therefore careful test is necessary for each different batch. These are all just aproximate values for people to have an idea.
I like to keep my harmalas in freebase form, because they're edible or smokeable and I like to change ROA. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור