Very cool, I would especially like to see there rating/verification system for sustainable vendors be successful. If I understand correctly one thing they want to do is start a way for assessing the sustainability of certain vendors?! If thats the case that excites me as I think we all are on board for sustainable practices
This is an organization that is being started by some good friends of mine. There is much good to be done, and the group is very promising. They are being fiscally sponsored by MAPS in the USA and incubated by ICEERS in the EU. They have the support of Dr. Dennis McKenna, Dr. Rick Doblin, and others. Currently, they are in a fundraising and ramp-up phase, and would VERY MUCH appreciate any help that Nexians could give. follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ESCouncil
"like" them on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Ethnobotanicalcouncil
Donation Page (tax-deductible in USA and EU): http://www.ethnobotanicalcouncil.org/donate-now/
"Christians often ask why God does not speak to them, as they believed God did in former days. When I hear such questions, it always makes me think of the Rabbi who was asked how it could be that God was manifest to people in the olden days whereas nowadays nobody ever sees God. The rabbi replied, 'Nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.'" --Carl Jung
adam wrote:Very cool, I would especially like to see there rating/verification system for sustainable vendors be successful. If I understand correctly one thing they want to do is start a way for assessing the sustainability of certain vendors?! If thats the case that excites me as I think we all are on board for sustainable practices The ESC's initial project is called "The Ayahuasca Dialogues," and it is focused on creating community-driven agreements around the safe and sustainable use of Ayahuasca in the Amazon. Their initial focus is not on "vendors" so much as it will be on retreat centers and practitioners in the jungle, although if they are successful in this initial phase, expanding to include those acting as "vendors" would also be within the scope of the Council, if members chose to look in that direction and vendors were interested in becoming members. "Christians often ask why God does not speak to them, as they believed God did in former days. When I hear such questions, it always makes me think of the Rabbi who was asked how it could be that God was manifest to people in the olden days whereas nowadays nobody ever sees God. The rabbi replied, 'Nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.'" --Carl Jung
I was just about to post about this! I told them I'd help get the word out, great to see someone beat me to it! I've been wanting to be more charitable this year, and am looking into supporting projects or organisations that inspire me. Having a background in ecology I wanted to support something that focused on sustainability and conservation of ethnobotanicals. I asked Dennis McKenna and he personally recommended this group to me. It is still early days for them but he emphasised they are doing really good stuff. I mentioned the threat facing wild populations of iboga and peyote and that is already under consideration, the next project will be "The Iboga Dialogues" and there is an iboga conference in South Africa in May where iboga sustainability will be being discussed. I set up a monthly standing order today to support them, it's not for much but every little helps, and it feels good to be contributing to something positive. They are mentioned in that recent positive piece on ayahuasca. http://www.villagevoice....utionize-psychotherapy/
Other affiliated and related organisations doing great work: International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research & Service (ICEERS) http://iceers.org/
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies (MAPS) http://www.maps.orgBotanical Dimensions http://botanicaldimensions.org/
Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine (PRISM) http://prism.org.au/
The Ethnobotanical Stewardship CouncilHey guys. I just watched, or rather listened to this, which is an introduction to the ESC, and figured I MUST share it! "The webinar provides an overview of our proposed process of working with the global Ayahuasca community through the Ayahuasca Dialogues to build consensus around the sustainability and safe use of ayahuasca." Really amazing stuff going on here! With some great, intelligent names behind it all. Dennis McKenna, Rick Doblin, and Ben DeLoenen to name a few. Some of the acacia experts on this forum may be very interested. Open source consciousness... The way it should be!