Faint billow of clouds rising from tryptamine laden leaves, one breath, one life, blown out into the breeze. Gaian eco-sorcerers, a tantric vow..warriors.. kin of those who once knew..ygdrassil is rising..forever awake, ever dreaming the songs of those come new.
Medicine teachers, the people of the trees.
My unmended heart lays before me, tended yet still bound, broken yet beating..bleeding on the ground. Sophia she sings, her melody of correction, she coheres..she rings. .The dialup..ascending, back to the beginning..the ending..
Endless sea of phalaroid buzzing..crickets in the mist..once a parking lot now a field..an ocean of pheromones, her correction is blooming a sacred lotus of bliss. Embracing.. Ancient fractals of starlight rainbow moonbeams drinking my soul back into the vessel of a galactic pleroma.
Archontic shadows steeping in the mind, dissolving in the medicines of a Gaian dreamtime. The stories of the people, villages of the earth..old world earth tongue, forgotten but never lost.
Long live the unwoke.