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Smoking A. Colubrina Seeds? Options
#1 Posted : 4/28/2009 7:19:26 AM
SWIM is curious to experience bufotenine, but is not real attracted to burning and lesions in his nose to do so. He also is an extreme novice at teks, and has failed extracting bufo 2 times already.

Anyway, he's interested if just smoking a a. colubrina seed mixture could be effective?

He hasn't really found experiences outside of just smoking the crushed seeds - which on erowid the person smoked the outer seed shell too and had a bad experience Shocked

..SWIM would plan to take some ginkgo biloba beforehand to attempt to cancel out any negative effects.

SWIM read in the d-limonene bufo extraction thread from SWIY 69ron about using ammonia to prepare a smokable seed snuff:

Ammonia can freebase all the bufotenine easily. It won’t work well for snuff because it evaporates away and doesn’t cause lesions in the nose. Because it evaporates away, it doesn’t keep the nose alkaline long enough for all the alkaloids to absorb as freebase, so much of them start forming salts in the nose. However, ammonia is great for producing a smokeable snuff because it all evaporates; and when smoking the alkaloids, you don’t need to worry about keeping the lungs alkaline because the freebase alkaloids absorb really fast into the blood stream via the lungs.

What would be the details for using this? ..Or could SWIM just do something more simple and be just as effective, like adding hydrated lime to the crushed seeds and smoke? Would a 4 part seed to 1 part lime be the effective ratio?

How many seeds would he use for a dose? Should he have to fry and/or remove the outer shell before crushing?

Which smoking methods would be most effective? SWIM would love to be able to just use papers, but would he have to get the colubrina dose quickly and big and hard for it to breakthrogh, i.e. pipe or bong + torch lighter?

#2 Posted : 4/28/2009 8:19:01 AM
SWIM's tried many times. Even with the very good seeds, you have to smoke a lot for rather minor effects, with a relatively large amount of nausea.

If SWIY really just wants to experience bufotenine, the following is a simple tek that got SWIM a very smokeable and visual, though somewhat nausea inducing, extract. Perhaps one could combine it with what 69ron has heard about nausea reduction (ie, using a few datura stramonium seeds or perhaps chewing ginger) for an enjoyable trip.

1. Toast 25g seeds in the oven for 1 hour at 250 F.
2. Grind coarsely.
3. Add 1/3 part calcium hydroxide or sodium carbonate with enough water to make a paste.
4. Dry thoroughly.
5. Put in glass bottle and add 250 mL acetone, let sit for an hour or so, shaking periodically.
6. Decant acetone (shouldn't need to filter, should be able to just pour it off) into evapping vessel (ie, shallow glass pan).
7. Repeat steps 5-6 with 250 mL of fresh acetone, decanting both quantities into the same evapping vessel.
8. Evap down acetone. Don't be afraid to use heat (ie, oven/microwave) to get it as dry as possible.

SWIM's told me how frustrating it can be when your extraction doesn't work, especially in light of how the cost of materials can add up. But with bufotenine, one really needs to extract it for it to be worthwile. At least that's what SWIM tells me.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#3 Posted : 4/28/2009 8:38:03 AM
im not sure putting a bowl of acetone in the microwave is a good thing to suggest to someone.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#4 Posted : 4/28/2009 6:09:55 PM
Well, the acetone should be nearly completely dry (just a little moist at worst) before that. SWIM never had any problems, though it's true that that's probably not the smartest idea. SWIM doesn't always think things all the way through before doing them...
#5 Posted : 4/28/2009 10:41:21 PM
SpasticSpaz wrote:
SWIM's tried many times. Even with the very good seeds, you have to smoke a lot for rather minor effects, with a relatively large amount of nausea.

If SWIY really just wants to experience bufotenine, the following is a simple tek that got SWIM a very smokeable and visual, though somewhat nausea inducing, extract. Perhaps one could combine it with what 69ron has heard about nausea reduction (ie, using a few datura stramonium seeds or perhaps chewing ginger) for an enjoyable trip.

1. Toast 25g seeds in the oven for 1 hour at 250 F.
2. Grind coarsely.
3. Add 1/3 part calcium hydroxide or sodium carbonate with enough water to make a paste.
4. Dry thoroughly.
5. Put in glass bottle and add 250 mL acetone, let sit for an hour or so, shaking periodically.
6. Decant acetone (shouldn't need to filter, should be able to just pour it off) into evapping vessel (ie, shallow glass pan).
7. Repeat steps 5-6 with 250 mL of fresh acetone, decanting both quantities into the same evapping vessel.
8. Evap down acetone. Don't be afraid to use heat (ie, oven/microwave) to get it as dry as possible.

SWIM's told me how frustrating it can be when your extraction doesn't work, especially in light of how the cost of materials can add up. But with bufotenine, one really needs to extract it for it to be worthwile. At least that's what SWIM tells me.

Nice tek spastic =). SWIM may have to try this in the near future. However, he only has about 10g of seeds to use - should he adapt the 250ml acetone amount accordingly? And is the 1/3 part calcium hydroxide simply mean to use 1/3 the amount of seeds used?

Quick noob question about the acetone in a glass container with a lid...SWIM doesn't think he has any glass containers like this - he feels that this would be wrong, but could he actually just use a plastic water bottle instead? Shocked

Also, a little off topoic, but in previous teks, SWIM used acetone in various glass contains, most notably left in a glass that can be drunk from for a few days.. Are these dishes safe to use for food/drink purposes after being used with acetone? (and washed of course)

Chemical expertSenior Member
#6 Posted : 4/28/2009 10:46:15 PM
One can get a mild buzz. To get any substantial effects one is going to have to isolate the alkaloid fraction of the seeds.
SWIM had tried this with both ground seed and ground seed mixed with calcium hydroxide. With both columbria and Anadenanthera peregrina all gave very mild effects lasting 10 minutes. Native population did ingest these seeds via smoking. A variety of pipes have been found containing tryptamine residue. Smoked bufotenine may have been one of the oldest used psychoactive substances on earth by homo sapiens of course as the pipes date over ten thousand years ago.

The potency of the seeds can vary tremendously. Some reports claim up to 7% alkaloids these seeds could definitely be smoked and would likely be very psychoactive. Although some serious side effects would be expected. Commercial seeds are likely around 2-3% alkaloids.
#7 Posted : 4/28/2009 10:53:09 PM
Quick noob question about the acetone in a glass container with a lid...SWIM doesn't think he has any glass containers like this - he feels that this would be wrong, but could he actually just use a plastic water bottle instead?

Acetone will disolve many plastics. Not sure about hdpe though, nail polish remover- which is predominantly acetone- often comes in this. A jam/jelly jar will work but you'll need to put a layer of foil between the jar and the lid so as not to disolve the plastic coating on the underside of the lid.
mistakes were made
#8 Posted : 4/28/2009 11:47:43 PM
Acetone is fine in HDPE.

SWIM has had seeds that were smokeable with as little as 1 seed giving a strong trip, complete with visions of ancient shamans, so it is possible. It was colubrina of course, which is the most potent kind (up to 12.4% bufotenine). I believe the seed smoked contained at least 10-12% bufotenine judging by the strong effects felt from just one crushed seed smoked in a bong. That particular seed batch was completely free of side effects. I wish I knew which variety that was. SWIM has not come across them again since. Most seeds have only about 1-3% and will give just a light effect when smoked and mostly will give you nausea. Roasting in an oven at about 450 F for an hour or so should help get rid of most of the nausea though.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#9 Posted : 4/29/2009 1:48:57 AM
Only a single source has found a 12% bufotenine concentration. Interestingly the source of this study were the Wichi (Mataco) indians and the shamans would ingest the seeds via snuff and smoked with tobacco. (Torres et al. 1991) Most sources have found significantly lower levels. This is a very high amount 69ron. Did SWIY do an extraction on this batch to quantify the yield? Also was the seed mixed with any base or smoked as is?

69ron you seem to be hypersensitive to these compounds as well. I think that may also play a factor. But you have tried other seeds with minimal effects? Damn SWIM wishes she had access to those seeds SWIM would grow those seeds out.
#10 Posted : 4/29/2009 7:51:30 PM
Hm, so do I not remove the outter husk after they pop in the oven? Edit: looks like after they cracked in the oven, the shell can't really simply come off anyway, they just crush.

I know the bufotenine content varies, but what dosage range should I try with Spastic's tek? (smoked, that is)

Edit: I've gotten to step 7 in this tek and everything seemed to be go fine. SWIM is just curious, he also has some food grade d-limonene - could it be used to purify or do anything else with this tek? Or in my stage in the tek by now, would it prove useless?

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#11 Posted : 4/30/2009 12:55:42 AM
i have never had weak seeds...every time i smoked the snuff I at least had mild visuals and surfaces looked glassier..the only thing that had put me off for so long was the nausea..probabily because i didnt roast them enough.. even at 1%, youd still get 10mg per gram. I keep reading reports of people with good results dosing on 10 mg..and most are prob higher than 1%. Id be happy with 5%, the seeds are so cheap.
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 4/30/2009 12:56:32 AM
I've smoked seeds, it works!

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#13 Posted : 4/30/2009 7:30:50 PM
Well after the acetone evaporated, SWIM put the dish back in the oven at 100-250F for about 4 hours to try to get it drier, and then scraped - it's really a kind of thick syrupy viscosity that won't run, but doesn't seem collectable. SWIM can't really pick it up or anything, it just sticks to whatever touches it. Will it eventually dry out in the oven at what temperature? If not, how does SWIM collect and use this?

#14 Posted : 5/1/2009 3:22:17 AM
Hmmm. SWIM always got a brown, clay-like extract from that tek. It never dries out completely, but it definitely is not liquid. He can roll it into a ball and pinch off a dose, which he quite likes (For that reason he'd prefer this extract to purer ones, were it not for the nausea).

What SWIM would do is maybe bump up the temp a little bit. Bufotenine boils at around 600 F, so one could go pretty high without being in danger of evapping it.
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