This is my most recent acacia confusa extraxtion from 100 grams of powdered bark...
Seeing this photo below I waited about 14 hours overnight at about extraction jar buried in ice about 35 dregrees..
My crystals this time became larger and finer almost like a fuzz..
Upon inspection under magnafication.. the crystals looked good like little blades ...
In my past extraction... I had a more dense acumilation of smaller thicker crystals in my
..last batch that covered the entire bottom of jar with less goo and easier to scrape out..
It looked like snow..
This extraction below has a sticky clear goo in between crystals..
My question is...veiwing the photo..would more crystals have formed if i waited longer?
starway6 attached the following image(s):
(2,787kb) downloaded 167 time(s). DSC07791.JPG
(3,067kb) downloaded 169 time(s).