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B. caapi as a lucid dreaming aid / teacher plant Options
#1 Posted : 10/20/2013 8:13:37 PM
So I thought about investigating B. caapi further for my dream studies. They somehow stalled and I want to progress. So far nothing really helped.

Nicotine patches are kinda toxic. No my cup of tea. Huperzine A as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor didn't work, C. paniculatus didn't work and my C. zacatechichi harvest yielded bad.

My meditation discipline is quite good these days, however it doesn't affect my dreaming. The only thing I achieved so far was becoming aware of my conscious in my dream and as soon as I realized it, I wanted to just sit down in a cross-legged position and meditate... and then I woke up. Neutral

I read in threads that some folks archived intense dreams with B. caapi - so that's why I'm currently investigating. I drank a good amount of B. caapi so far, but it never induced lucid dreaming. Time to resume the caapi work.

I'm currently soaking 20g of finely ground "yellow" B. caapi in a pH 3 aqueous solution.
From my previous experiences, a 1% yield could be feasible. That would be 200mg of harmalas.

But I'm not sure. 0,5%-2% could be possible, too, right? That's a 100mg-400mg range. Am I overdosing with 200-400mg harmalas? I'm currently too lazy to freebase and dry the harmalas. But if somebody would advise against intaking that amount, I'll do the extra work.

Input would be much appreciated!

edit: attached pic of the 20g shredded caapi. That's the "shredness" my 10EUR coffee grinder can achieve.
Ufostrahlen attached the following image(s):
caapi.JPG (387kb) downloaded 123 time(s).
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#2 Posted : 10/20/2013 9:31:53 PM
I sympathize. I find lucid dreaming to be an incredible experience but it doesn't come easily to me. The web is full of advice on how to get lucid more easily but this is the first time I've heard someone suggest Caapi. By all means give it a go but lots of people have been consuming lots of Caapi for lots of years so my feeling is that if Caapi had any benefits in this direction we'd already know.

On the other hand, Salvia Divinorum does seem to have some positive application in this area for some folks.

#3 Posted : 10/20/2013 10:10:34 PM
Yes. Caapi is the last resort here Smile A search in the forum revealed some suggestions that caapi helps with lucid dreaming. They differ from my experience insofar that I haven't consumed the caapi before going to bed.

I also want to know why the shamans consider this plant the teacher plant from which all plant knowledge stems. I wonder what she teaches when taken in that context.

Saliva isn't cool IMO. The sweating is annoying and after reading a lot of trip reports I'm sure we shouldn't work together. I prefer gentle teachers. Melting with the ground doesn't sound cool to me.

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Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#4 Posted : 10/20/2013 10:14:29 PM
I don't know anything about extracting caapi since i just brew enough for a month or two and drink it when i want. But it has definitely given me some incredibly bizarre dreams. At high doses it just sort of bridges the gap between the dreamworld/hyperpace/spirit world/whatever. You might be lucid, you might not be, but the chances are better if i've taken harmalas than if i hadn't. The main thing for me is that harmalas have just made my dreams much deeper, realistic, and insanely psychedelic.

I made a thread detailing a technique that i've used to reliably enter lucid dreams using harmalas or caapi. Not sure if it will work for others but for me the results have been good. https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=40790

No doubt though that caapi can be used in many other ways to help achieve this. For me it also really helps if some dmt is in the mix as well

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 10/20/2013 10:29:27 PM
UC, your posts definitely inspired me to investigate this topic. The main objective is to find out why this plant is considered the teacher plant and the second is to take her before bed time. The idea of receiving lessons in a dream is appealing to me.

I do not plan to ingest admixtures unless caapi tells me to do so. 2C-E-uasca could be fun, but this isn't the main objective currently.
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#6 Posted : 10/20/2013 11:44:06 PM
Ufostrahlen wrote:
So I thought about investigating B. caapi further for my dream studies. They somehow stalled and I want to progress. So far nothing really helped.

Nicotine patches are kinda toxic. No my cup of tea. Huperzine A as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor didn't work, C. paniculatus didn't work and my C. zacatechichi harvest yielded bad.

My meditation discipline is quite good these days, however it doesn't affect my dreaming. The only thing I archived so far was becoming aware of my conscious in my dream and as soon as I realized it, I wanted to just sit down in a cross-legged position and meditate... and then I woke up. Neutral

I read in threads that some folks archived intense dreams with B. caapi - so that's why I'm currently investigating. I drank a good amount of B. caapi so far, but it never induced lucid dreaming. Time to resume the caapi work.

I'm currently soaking 20g of finely ground "yellow" B. caapi in a pH 3 aqueous solution.
From my previous experiences, a 1% yield could be feasible. That would be 200mg of harmalas.

But I'm not sure. 0,5%-2% could be possible, too, right? That's a 100mg-400mg range. Am I overdosing with 200-400mg harmalas? I'm currently too lazy to freebase and dry the harmalas. But if somebody would advise against intaking that amount, I'll do the extra work.

Input would be much appreciated!

If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and OBEs google up...[deepdreaming.net] and sign up there.new ideas are welcome ...Smile
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#7 Posted : 10/20/2013 11:52:49 PM
Mixing RC's with harmalas doesn't sound like a good idea to me, but then again I don't have much knowledge on the subject. DMT/mimosa is a different story though.

I mentioned it mainly because DMT, lsd, and mushrooms have in some ways had a more "potent" and quick affect on my dream life in terms of depth and lucidity, whereas the impact harmalas have had have more so been the result of a long time of working with them (at some points daily for prolonged periods) and in general have been more about deepening it/increasing the wierdness than necessarily introducing the sharp stream of awareness that is necessary for going lucid in a dream like tryptamines can

BTW do you keep a dream journal? Hands down probably the most useful tool for building both dream recall and dream awareness.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#8 Posted : 10/21/2013 12:17:16 AM
harmalas make me go into weird fractal half awake half asleap dreams at night. They don't necessarily make me lucid though. It's hard to even explain what I mean.

I personally think the when you take harmalas at night and go to sleep it increases levels of endogenous tryptamines like DMT and 5meoDMT and that is why I get those weird fractral dreams. Sometimes it's like dreaming about being geometry and understanding all the mathematics involved on an intuitive level. I forget most of it in the morning.

Sometimes that all happens to me anyway without taking harmalas.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 10/21/2013 5:43:54 AM
Ufostrahlen wrote:
Huperzine A as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor didn't work

Did you take a choline source with it?

It's the other part of the equation when it comes to inducing LD's with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

Have you tried Galantamine? It has quite a good track record of inducing lucid dreams, OBE's, and sleep paralysis experiences. Be sure to take it with a choline source for best effect.

My meditation discipline is quite good these days, however it doesn't affect my dreaming.

Have you meditated while going to sleep?

IME, this is an effective way to maintain consciousness as you transition into dreaming.

You can then most efficiently utilize W.I.L.D. (Waking Induction of Lucid Dreaming) techniques to go lucid.

Add some Galantamine/choline to the mix and you generally have a recipe for success.Thumbs up
#10 Posted : 10/21/2013 6:57:06 PM
Thanks for your feedback guys.

Mixing RC's with harmalas doesn't sound like a good idea to me, but then again I don't have much knowledge on the subject. DMT/mimosa is a different story though.

Ya, I just had this idea to add no more than 2mg of 2C-E to a caapi brew, but I'll save that research for later. Like I said, no admixture this time.


BTW do you keep a dream journal? Hands down probably the most useful tool for building both dream recall and dream awareness.

I did for some time, but then stopped, because it produced no quick results and I felt dumb writing up my weird dreams. I may resume this, however, because everybody mentions it as a foolproof method.


If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and OBEs google up...[deepdreaming.net] and sign up there.new ideas are welcome

I might do this at a certain point of time, but I'm into full research now, I first want to come up with results.

harmalas make me go into weird fractal half awake half asleap dreams at night. They don't necessarily make me lucid though. It's hard to even explain what I mean.

I can relate to your fractal experiences, Jamie. I encountered fractals in one or two dreams, too. I ate Peyote in one of my dreams and BOOM!! fractals everywhere :-) The visuals were intense - that's why I remember it, even though it happened 2 or more years ago.


Did you take a choline source with it?

Yes I did according to Advanced Lucid Dreaming - The Power of Supplements.


Have you tried Galantamine?

Unfortunately not! It seems to be unavailable in Europe. They regard it as a prescription-only medicine. No supplements available. If somebody proves me wrong, I'd be glad. But I couldn't find it, even though I search extensively. Non-EU orders are a no-go, because the customs authorities will seize it. The X-ray scanners work pretty well in my experience.

I'll take the caapi brew in a few days when I feel stable and ready and report then.
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#11 Posted : 10/26/2013 10:20:21 AM
I'll take the caapi brew in a few days when I feel stable and ready and report then.

No effect. I based the solution to pH 7 and reduced it to 75ml. Drank it 1h before bedtime and then went to sleep. The night's rest was good but produced no insights or dreams.

I'll retry it in the next weeks with 40g and see what happens. Will report here.
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