Hi, everyone. I recently just aquired 50 g of B. Caapi powder. I was hoping to make it into a traditional Ayahuasca brew without additives: harmalas and harmalas only. My question is: what is the best way to enjoy this brew, and what can I expect. Erowid doesn't have much information about just a Caapi brew (it's all Caapi+some DMT containing addmixture). Can I expect to go out-of-this world? Should I take it in bed at night? Out where I can walk around? What would your favorite place to do it be? Blessings ~ND "There are many paths up the same mountain."
Google "caapi tea" and you will find a lot of info about it.
this would just be Ayahuasca, I would brew it as normal and drink it in the dark, harmala visions like the dark INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
50g is likely to not even be enough for a visionary dose for many people. Long live the unwoke.
Lol you dont need to call it cappihuasca, it is just ayahuasca. Ayahuasca can be used to name the brew of b. cappi, and p. viridis, or can be the name of just the b. cappi vine. I think the term huasca is overused because huasca means vine, if anything the aya bit should be the part carried over to other similiar preparations. Either way you may want to obtain some more vine because like jamie said 50 might not be enough and definetly wouldnt be enough for me You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
Nathanial.Dread wrote:Hi, everyone. I recently just aquired 50 g of B. Caapi powder. I was hoping to make it into a traditional Ayahuasca brew without additives: harmalas and harmalas only.
My question is: what is the best way to enjoy this brew, and what can I expect. Erowid doesn't have much information about just a Caapi brew (it's all Caapi+some DMT containing addmixture).
Can I expect to go out-of-this world? Should I take it in bed at night? Out where I can walk around? What would your favorite place to do it be?
Blessings ~ND Do some more reading on the effects of harmalas on their own, this has been discussed all over the forum 50g of caapi alone is a pretty low dose for most people... and depending on individual sensitivity/vine potency it shouldn't be overly powerful and likely not even visionary. For that you'll probably need more like 100g, or even more Psychedelic doses of harmalas are best taken in bed in the dark, and depending on the dose often times thats the only way to enter into the deeper visionary states with it. You don't want to be walking around on it.
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Quote:Psychedelic doses of harmalas are best taken in bed in the dark This. Make sure you've got a nice, warm blanket as well. Personally, i believe that you should add at least a tiny tiny bit of dmt to it. Even if it's just 10mg. This way, a lower caapi dose will still shine....just a bit more. With 50g caapi i would expect dizzyness, a bit of nausea, faint floral patterns swirling around and perhaps some auditorial hallucination ...a swoooooooooooossssshhhh.
For the record, I did know that traditionally Ayahuasca is pure B. Caapi, I simply liked sound of Caapihuasca as an easy way to differentiate it from what MOST people think of as Ayahuasca (a brew containing orally active DMT). In a perfect world everyone would understand the cultural nuances of Ayahuasca use, but sadly, that's not the world we live in. I may add a little bit of ACRB, just to give it some oomph. I imagine lying in bed one night with my girlfriend would be as good a set and setting as any. "There are many paths up the same mountain."
120g caapi only ayahuasca, sediment and all was one of the greatest visionary states I have ever had. It was rough so I haven't done it a second time but it was amazing. I agree that 50g will not be enough most likely for a deep caapi visionary state but if you drink the powder as well it sure will be. Just be ready for a serious purging flush out of both ends eyes and nose. A cleanse like no other. The visions are like nothing I have ever encountered. Blue glowing webs of light engulfed my hands and legs and moved like tendrils underwater. Auditory hallucinations sounded like I was in a tunnel filled with moths wings buzzing against crystal bowls in a soothing rhythm. Waves of warm emotions spilled into my body and receded leaving behind a new emotion I still can't even out into words. My mind was clear but my racing thoughts had left me many hours before. I felt at peace and proud of myself in a way that I was doing this alone in uncharted waters with no radio to call for rescue. I had only myself and one oar, my past experience to make it to the shore and I paddled one lapping push at a time. "Must keep moving forward". That was the good parts. The hard parts was I was paralyzed to move. Even reaching for the glass of water next to my head felt like climbing Mt. Everest and if I did move it would potentiate a purge. I purged for hours, each time granting me just a few min escape from the gripping nausea. It was hell and it was heaven all at the same moment in time that seemed to freeze. "Has it been 1 hour or 1 week" is the thought I heard in my head over and over. When the final warm wave filled me and receded I knew I had reached land and survived in tact. A better stronger person. Ahhhh...my love for the sacred vine is vast and deep. I only wish more people would take this path but I promise it is not and easy road but worth every bit of energy it will sap from you to survive. I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
Olympus Mon: That sounds incredible? How long were you out traveling? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
Its was about 2 hours in deep, DEEP, waters and 4 hours from start to finish. Another thing I want to share with people is how much this strong caapi-huasca, (I like that name btw) has benefited me with my work with Ayahuasca. Had I never done this I wouldn't be able to feel the distinct 2 sides to Aya as clearly as I can. There have been times that Im scared Sh#t-less from the dmt but can feel the vines love taking care of me. Protecting me. I don't feel I would be able to notice this calming reassuring side of Aya had I not done a strong caapi only journey. I have had the 2 sides argue about me before. One time I added way too much dmt to my brew and DMT was talking to Aya. The dmt took the form a kinda cute little baby dragon with a glass belly filed with a dark liquid that was the dmt I ingested. It was 3/4's full. the little dragon was pointing at its belly showing Aya how much more dmt it was going to release on me and I was quite scared since I had already bitten off way more than I could chew. The dragon was saying. "Look...He asked for it, let me do my thing" and Aya replied "NO, he made a mistake and is too fragile for this right now, your going to have to hold back he isn't ready for what your going to do". In the end Caapi put her foot down big time and reminded the molecule she calls the shots and put the molecule in its place! Man what a crazy thing. Dmt isn't exactly out to get us but it certainly doesn't seem to have a problem dropping the hammer. Aya often times is very motherly and has much more mercy and compassion. Get to know her, You cant hear her call if you have never heard her voice alone. I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
With some fb spice and a gvg 