Hi guys, I'm new to the scene and ready to take on this project. In reading various approaches I think I have simplified it as much as possible. Can someone wiser than me review my approach and make suggestions?
- Anadenanthera colubrina seeds - Calcium hydroxide powder - Citric acid powder - Acetone (or isopropyl alcohol) - Sodium carbonate (PhUP for swimming pools) - Coffee filter or paper towel
1- Toast Colubrina seeds at 300f for 1hr 2- Grind seeds into powder 3- Add equal quantity of sodium carbonate to powdered seeds 4- Take a half cup (or 200ml) of water to which is added 1oz (or 50ml) of citric acid OR same quantity of vinegar to make 4:1 mixture of acidified water 5- Add acidified water to powdered seeds and sodium carbonate combo stirring until you have a soupy paste. Discard excess acidified water 6- A pungent smell of ammonia should begin indicating a chemical reaction is occurring. Let sit until smell is gone then allow mixture to dry completely until bone dry cake is left. 7- Grind cake into powder and cover with acetone or isopropyl alcohol then stir and let sit for a while 8- Decant the acetone into a collection jar and repeat step 7 once or twice more 9- Take total of acetone and filter through a coffee filter into another jar 10- To the filtered acetone add citric acid powder until it no longer dissolves and settles on the bottom stirring briefly. 11- Set aside for several hours until residue forms on the walls. 12- Pour out the acetone and air the jar until remainder of acetone has been fully evaporated. 13- Scrape residue and take note of quantity, then dissolve in sufficient water to create a solution (a quarter cup or so) 14- From the noted quantity of scraped residue above add an equal amount of calcium hydroxide to the solution 15- A gummy precipitate should form in the solution. Knead it gently into a layer while adding more water then pour out water and allow residue to dry 16- Add acetone and mix well then let sit for 4 hours 17- Decant acetone and discard settled residue 18- Evaporate acetone to obtain calcium bufotenate
It is my understanding that the bufotenine can be further purified into its crystalline state if dissolved in dichloromethane (available in hobby stores as plastic bonder). You save the solution to evaporate and discard the bottom residue.
What do you think?
calcium bufotenate is one of those big myths.... forget about that.
My suggestion: Grind seeds to powder, mix with sodium carb and a bit of water to make paste, spread it on a wide pyrex dish and let it dry with help of warm water bath or hairdryer or whatever other method. Then pull 3x with acetone, salt with FASA. Recover fumarates which precipitated, mix with sodium carbonate and water to make paste, dry that. Pull with acetone and evaporate for crude bufotenine freebase, and recrystallize using ethyl acetate if you can get it for pure bufotenine crystals. Voilá.