This is a concept that has arisen within me before I have ever ingested DMT; although, today I was thinking about it again. I believe if you treat the ingestion of DMT, or any psychedelics for that matter, with respect then you will receive greater benefit than without that respect.
I have never smoked DMT with music on until this morning. The music I chose was something of this sort : this type of music on and with your thoughts and intention DMT can be one of the most Devine encounters you can have on this Earth.
Personally, I like to pray to Universe or One mind or Gaia or God or Myself to ask for peace and love in my life and in others. I like to ask for a calm ride through the abyssal territory of the mind. I also like to let "it" know I am thankful for this experience of life. I do this before smoking.
So, today I thought about making a shrine. I would kind of want it to be outside. It would be nice to have a gazebo in my yard I could enhance with spiritual objects for my DMT encounters or prayer through meditation and other methods that don't require a psychedelic. I would want to make it inside but I don't want to smoke anything in my house and I have never smoked DMT in my house either.
Maybe I could create some kind of portable system. Maybe bring out my Zabuton and Zafu and singing bowl and toke and hummmm my way through reality.
Another thing I have noticed that is beneficial to getting the most out of the experience, This also shows respect in my opinion; Which is, after smoking and coming "back", don't go back to your normal duties. Sit for a moment. Be with everything. Don't rush to go clean or play a game or watch a movie. Treat it like a sermon in church. It would be rude to stand up and leave when the Preacher is still preaching.
Don't get me wrong, when I say prayer I mean meditation and when I say meditation I mean prayer. They mean the same thing to me.
I don't mean get on your knees and bow to something higher(But if that is what you prefer then go right ahead!!). You are the higher being in my opinion. Being with that state is what I mean. To sit and breathe deeper, to feel stronger, to relax more. I hope that makes sense. I believe that those who know what I am talking about will not have trouble understanding what I mean. Others may be so against a single word that it blocks them from allowing themselves to create their own holy moment through personal prayer.
One way to smoke DMT or do psychedelics is not better than another. I am simply giving my opinion about making the experience smoother and more meaningful.
I would love to hear from you guys to see if you all have a shrine or area of the house that is sacred to you. Or even a place in the woods you love to be and meditate in. I believe we need those places. Those places to really take a relaxing breathe and be who you want to be.
I remember one time I wanted to sing on DMT and I was frightened people would hear me. This brought about a almost making fun of myself for not being brave enough to SPEAK. I believe the voice can be very powerful in everyday life and that strength is amplified on psychedelics in my opinion. That is weird considering how others including Dennis and Terrence have brought this up in talks also. They may have been right on some type of connection between psychdelics and various senses. I am not sure. I think if you claim to be sure you are the most un-sure of them all.
I really hope you can spread your own thoughts about this and have endured my ramblings well! Love and Light my Lovely Beings! On this note, I will leave you with a poem I wrote last night.
"The day is over
Giving light to another
Around we go
"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."