Now let me start of by saying that this behavior that i want to discuss is not in anyway healthy or encouraged, i dont really do stims but have some old friends who will be up for days on weird cocktails of crap. Also ive been reading about mdpv which is a very strong stimulant rc, some people will binge on it for weeks without much sleep an what these people seek is the manic/psychotic state that manifests after a few days. What they describe is lifelike hallucinations with shadowpeople, ninjas stealing their stuff, police everywhere etc. Also it seems to make people into dangerous pervs, on a forum they talked about meeting up and making som PeeVee porn and upload on the forum Now most people who get into mdpv ruins their life preety hard, the drug seems very very fiendish and leads to tragic situations. After being tweaked out for weeks people often find themself anyone left who cares no job etc, the price to pay for the high seems high. But there seems to be something that makes these people wanna keep chasing the dragon and getting into lala land again, its so weird cause the effects they seek could maybe be found in our beloved entheogens instead. So why am i talking about this crap on the nexus? idk really but i thought it could be a good idea to talk about this kind of behavior in a harm reduction purpose.
I know a couple of guys, online though, and they are mdpv addicts. They also go for days and just love it, funny reading some of their comments but its just crazy to me. For me amphetamine psychosis is the worst thing ever, its happened to me about 5 times when I was younger, convinced police are outside or people are trying to invade my home, found myself kicking around my empty house with weapons waiting for an attack. I called the police because I thought people were trying to come into my house, luckily I hid the pile of amphetamines id been binging on that was on my table. They look around and said no ones there and told me to go see a dr on monday, luckily they didnt cart me off to the mental house, they were actually ok and could see I was completely paranoid told me to chill out theres no one there. Bad times.
Only thing I think that would be worse than amphetamine psychosis would be tripping on delerients like datura its just so bad and I dont understand the appeal, I take enough amphetamines and im going to get exactly that, complete psychosis. I dont think mdpv or high grade amphetamines can be used responsibly they are just so fiendish, though I did read here a guy who used crystal meth once a week to do art or music or something but it was becoming an addiction he was hiding, wasnt a positive thing anyway.
I dont see how the effects of entheogens could mimic amphetamine psychosis, for me anyway it was a terrible negative thing and they dont make you horny like amphetamines, well they can but not generally.
I've never heard of this MDPV, but the binges you describe can also be achieved by long term, dayly use of Cocaïne & Amphetamines.
I have come to the conclusion that none of these amazingly addictive, aggrivating Psychotogenic stimulants can be used responsibly. Of the countless Cocäine users I've known, ALL of them are severely addicted to it.
I haven't met any resonsible, not addicted users of Amphetamines either. Perhaps they exist, perhaps they don't. But if they exist, responsible users of Coke or Speed, they must be rare specimens indeed. Even though I don't know this MDPV, it sounds like it belongs in exactly the same street as Coke & Speed.
Cocaine & Speed tend to make people extremely Ignorant, Egocentric, Paranoid, Violent & most of all: It seems to completely shut down their Guilty Conscience. These drugs erode people's sense of Morality. After long term, frequent use of these drugs their users will experience Psychotic, even Deliriant episodes & many end up Suicidal. I know quite a few. Sad.
The best harm-reduction advice concerning Cocaïne, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine & MDPV(And the likes) would be: If you value good Health, Peacefullness & long Life just stay well away from these drugs & their (ab)users. Avoid these drugs like you would the Black plague.
| tub bubbly yer f'''kd saltz …those who believe in science are as prone to addiction to imposed dogma and faith as are religious zealots. So one has to be very careful to really step back and want to know the truth.
My sleep deprivations has usually occured substance free mostly work realted and have to say it is another world on that side aswell,my brain would go into dreaming while awake and i would completly phase out and live another experience in a wakened state this is very dangerous especially when driving i have been in several accidents almost so if you would explore this mindset be safe stay inside your house it was not my intention to be sleep deprivated and go out and experince it but its been from over exertion at work and the long hours i worked,double shifts after late shifts where you finish a late shift at 11 with a head full of adrenaline from the nights rush struggling to sleep though being phyiclly tired then having to be up at 5 again to start for 6 o clock in the morning and ending up working dounles to short staffed workplace once again pushin to 11,verrrry intense state of being to be in i have prior to this though have the habit of going through all nighters on coffee binges and other times sober at home before i was working my ass off mostly since the enjoyed the super quiet tranquil time when everyone sleeps its been a habit from age as early as 10 ,NEVER Amphetamine driven as my Amphetamine use has been MDMA only and was exlusivley at psytrance festivals and as of late i stopped ven the occasional roll since to me personally its crap though i dont discriminate those who infact love it it has its effects and its choice. The effects on me where a very heightened creativity(i would draw and write things that amazed me that it was done by myslef)a change in though manner where i would pervieve things very different and even think with a completly other kind of mental direction(it is usualy quite psychotic and irrational too i will admit but never paranoia to me) and sometimes being very active aswell,one thing this did to me though was make me nocturnal which would be problematic if your expected to be part of a normal funtioning enviroment as you being asleep all day while others go out there would result in a nag that would drive you crazier than the night you spent awake all way through,its a very powerful isolation and meditation and lots of meditations has been done with a form of deprivation the sleep one i quite liked. I never Exceeded more than 3 days of this upon another though where i would eventually just have to collapse,i had friends who were users of speed and meth though who would go a week or 2 without any sleep and from what i had sober and just from 3 days at most i can only imagine that madness The lives of all they occupy their eyes in dismal gloom the all-piercing,dead oculi - mirrors of our doom Oblivious to the trespass as you gaze into the black the demon of surveillance insultingly staring back Into you,they own your every secret, your life is in their files the grains of your every waking second sifted through and scrutinized,they know your every right. They know your every wrong,each put in their due compartment - sins where sins belong
I had a pretty serious MDPV problem a couple years ago. It is no joke. Its stronger than meth by far and a lot more euphoric and mdma-like but very racey. I have stayed up days on it and it is not healthy at all. Shadow people is only the begining of that rabit hole. The things I would see, think of, and endure were quite astonishing at times but equally awful at times. I haven't touched that evil stuff in a long time. Its very dangerous . It will destroy you faster than any drug I've ever seen. Makes you think you literally have everything you need in life and everything figured out all at once. It is easily the most fiendish compulsive drug I've ever encountered. And yes it makes you so horny its actually scary.. And wow some of the times were amazing but just not worth it in the end. Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, Let everything flow through youI AM EverythingYou're In ClassA Nice Little Place
why not try polyphasic sleeping ? no drugs are required for this illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
I would not consider this exploring consciousness... no more than i would think sniffing glue was.. This is dangerous and if anything will cause psychosis. You can lose control over yourself and forget what your doing. I went into amphetamine psychosis as a kid from taking too much adderal and not sleeping. It can end with hospitalization and probably some brain damage. Never do this.
leon wrote:I would not consider this exploring consciousness... no more than i would think sniffing glue was.. This is dangerous and if anything will cause psychosis. You can lose control over yourself and forget what your doing. I went into amphetamine psychosis as a kid from taking too much adderal and not sleeping. It can end with hospitalization and probably some brain damage. Never do this.
A agree totally. I occasionally suffer lengthy episodes of Insomnia and the sleep deprived state of mind some people in this topic are after is in no way desirable I can tell you. Sure, staying awake for long enough will put you in a hypnagogic, even dreaming state. The problem however is that at the same time your consciousness will drop drastically so "you" wont really be there to experience much of it, let alone remember. Furthermore, if anything, this state is more likely to induce psychosis and/or depressions than it is to induce wakefull dreaming(as I guess that's what some are after). In turn this deregulation of your sleep/wake-cycles will also deregulate your appetite & your digestive system. It's bad for both your mental health and your physical health. I used to have a period in my life in which I had lots of spontaneous Lucid dreams, and allthough at the time I didn't have the most regular sleep/wake schedule, the overal quality and regulairity of my sleep during that time was good and regulair. So if you want to experience crystal clear, hyper-realistic dreams whilst highly aware & mentally awake; Sleep enough & sleep in a regulair cycle. Sleep deprivation just drains awareness/consciousness: which is exactly what you need to have lucid dreams.
i have had good experiences with sleep deprivation. though they weren't drug-induced. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
As a chronic insomniac I can say sometimes the mindstate is interesting/fun seeing peripheral visions of shadows and minor hallucinatory color enhancement. HOWEVER USUALLY its not fun usually its just over paranoid,aggravated, mood swings that accompany my lack of sleep. luckily I've been blessed with a gift of etizolam recently and this is a wonder drug for me personally to sleep and stop my anxiety, unlike other benzos which sometimes i question if they are working or if I'm just slowly calming down due to my breathing and actively TRYING to calm myself. I have also been diagnosed with ADHD took some test as a child to determine, and was scripted Adderall, also tried it relationally a few times and noticed no EXTRA insomnia even at taking 3x my normal dose(normal being 60 MG a a day and, recreational for me I needed at least 180 to have "fun" with it. It was more of a social thing for me. and I eventually just stopped taking to face my ADHD head on now I've pretty much got it under control, as for cocaine I binged on it for like 2 weeks once when I first started using it, but not because of addiction, because I wasn't getting effects from it, prolly just shitty coke like most is stomped on, sometimes it was fun but still after that two week binge for a while I only used it like everyother weekend to help me stay awake while drinking some beers and playing black ops 2 with a friend. IE he is the only one I really ever did coke with, and now that hes moved I have no use for it anymore, so I stopped I can still get it if I want but I have no true interest in it anymore other than as I said social use, I can see where it could be addictive to some, but def not for me. I found the high to never be worth the experience I got form it too short lived among a number of other things. Isn't the OP drug mentioned the same as bathsalts though or is that something else? Because I've known a few who did that and were just way too hooked to it started stealing things to obtain more and shit it was terrible. Once I heard about how bad it could make people react I had absolutely no interest in ever trying it. Again usually sleep deprivation is not something I would suggest one strive to achieve, sleep is a beautiful thing. Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!
Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!