Hi all dmt nation,
I am about to order syrian rue, but it is not clear to me should I order:
1. powdered, it is double the $. In reality it is difficult to powder at home, and if not perfectly powered it doesn't work as good.
2. in some teks it is recomended to soak the seeds over night, what means to sprout them. I am very familiar with this way, but sprouting totally canges the biochemistry of the seeds?
any thought?
Are you doing a harmala extraction or are you boiling the seeds for a tea/brew? If you're extracting harmalas it's better to have them powdered, but I don't think they need to be "perfectly powdered."
For making a tea, however, I stopped powdering my rue seeds quite a while ago, and now I always boil them whole. I boil for twice as long as I did when I powdered them, and I haven't noticed any difference in potency, but I never once get nauseous when drinking it, as I did when they were powdered.
Agreed.. If for a brew, boil them whole and let the fluid reduce slowly. If you wish, do the egg white trick also (to assist in removing tannins)
Thank you for answer.
It is for extractions.
Just a thought: can the seeds be lightly toasted?
No idea personally.. This is how I prepare mine
Hi ZenSpice,
thank you for your tek.
The think is that I used to extract form Caapi, and take 1,3g of harmalas a night + 2g of Mimosa (Jees tek, no extraction). So somehow I would like to have the same quantity of harmalas again, but with rue. I wonder how to calculate it.
powder is stronger than whole seeds illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
Considering how potent and cost effective rue is it doesn't really matter much, imo If its not powdered than just let it sit in water overnight, blend it, then brew
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"