though i should say i have no idea what the electrical properties of DMT are.. just having fun for now..
this may have already been mentioned but i wanted to throw in my two cents.
dmt is essentially a defibrillator for your nervous system, although it has never been completely confirmed, i would think that it is made in the same place most of the seretonin is made (in your gut) thus when something happens to shut down seretonin production, this would be one of the things produced instead.
consider some of the obvious facts, the levels rise when a creature is under stress, normally causes by trauma or fasting, its broken down very quickly, which means that on some level the body has to be used to it, and getting beyond the mental effects, it is also one of the strongest anti inflammatories a body makes. it also increases heart rate.
the combination of these things (and a great deal i dont know) would cause a person to conserve water, be more able to move around and absorb oxygen and most likely be more able to deal with stress and survive it.
in short its release for animals would be a defence mechanism.
for the plants i would think its not that different, levels normally spike when the plants are stressed or during transition from day to night they dont have a heart but they do have a capillarity system for liquids, and in short i would think that the body builds itself around using the presence as a defence mechanism, because when the stuff appears normally something is going very wrong with the organism ao it reacts to do everything it can to keep the body alive.
now i may be completely wrong but this is one of the most basic compounds that can be created by an organism, but normally it is converted to something else, if its not being converted then it could be a sign much worse things are occurring and the body moves to prolong itself as long as it can so that the conversion process can return to normal.
im probably wrong though.