SWIM was aslo using BLAB for the First time, but only had like 225 mg of bark left.. so he used around 600 ml of Vinegar, for 4 days preesoak, then did 300 ml of water and put 150 ml of lye in there topped with around 950 ml liter of water… shook it well, so everything was combined.. after agiliating for ca. 1 hour with not shaking, just mixing, 3 pauses for seperation, and wanted to seperate the first pull with 100 ml d-limonene he had put in but it does not seperate.. he pulled as well as usual the most top layer in 3 fairly smaller thinner test tubes, and bottle, but it stays black.. so seperation…
Any idea on this??? it all black without any seperation yet…
Shall SWIN just pour all back into the mhrb-solution and add another 100 ml, so his first pull would be on 200 ml d-limonenene..?? would that maybe help, or does he has to add more water to it???
any suggestion would be appreciated…
hope someone could help on this?
Are you sure that your d-limonene is free of surfactants or other things that could make it miscible with water?
thx for the anwrer... just used a littlt more water which i added some lye andnext morning,, perfect seperation..