Family: Alariaceae; Genus: Ecklonia; Species: maxima(
https://www.sciencedirec...le/pii/S0176161711803755[I don't have access to the article it would be nice to see the data with-in]
This article claims that a commercial extract known as 'Kelpak'( contained DMT. Further analysis by J. Gartz according to erowid(which lacks a correct reference...) says it does not.
Here is the reference to the J. Gartz article:
Gartz, J. 1991.
Influence of phosphate on fruiting and secondary metabolism of mycelia of Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata and Gymnopilus purpuratus. Zeitschrift fuer Mykologie 57(1), 149-154.
So it may be a long shot, however, this brings some new ideas to my mind. Maybe Kelp does have DMT in it at certain stages of growth or seasons. Perhaps there was a mistake and another sea species was added to this concentrate(if it is wild harvested). It's unlikely the HPLC analysis in my opinion had a DMT contamination, but it is a possibility.