A thought has been passing through my mind recently, what is dialect? and what is language in it's own right, I could use a million words to describe or create any object or any piece of something in this physical plane or physical existence we all inhabit and see around us at all times blah blah blah.. What if, "universe" is merely a word or concept that only exists in this form? what if all I'm seeing here including the concept of duality, nature, god, the devil, ALL things. Are merely dialect formed in this place at this specific time for me... Including that of the DMT space or the matrix or whatever you want to call it, what if even the concept of life is merely a word, what if words are only words that manifest in this place? even numbers? Are all these things just..words start to fail me the more I question it, it's like the thought breaks down to an unanswerable point and even DMT can't touch it for me, it's like I'm pressing against the beyond but will never get past the barrier. One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
You've been smoking something...hav'nt you... One can drive himself to madness in obsessing the goal of reasonPlease do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
cyb wrote:You've been smoking something...hav'nt you... One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason Smoked some changa at the weekend xD but this isn't where the question spurred from, It came to me before the changa, although I did see something on the changa which I can only describe as "what makes it work" like a void in the middle with flowing colour either side of it.. One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
Makes me think of what McKenna always said, that the universe is made of language. Images of broken light, Which dance before me like a million eyes, They call me on and on...
this is what I mean though... what if language is just a concept we've created in this space, what if it in itself doesn't exist or is merely something that's been thought up for the >insert how long my life might be here< moment.. One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
I've heard that...'In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was....' I suppose all frequency (light/sound/radio/whatever) could be seen as a language... There must have been a time when homonids just grunted and had no 'word'... Art would then have sufficed... Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
Ok then i'll put it in this way, suppose you cannot describe no-thing. which was the "word" in the beginning. This physical place is a some-thing. What if even those two concepts only exist in this manifestation of what is. One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
Ahh I get it now (I think).. Do you mean that for a form to 'exist' in this realm...it has to be given a name or a descriptive word...otherwise it can't be a 'something'...? Therefore 'All that is...or 'Reality' ...only exists for you or us, Because we gave it a name... A bit like 'if a tree falls in the woods...and no-one is around to hear it...does it make a sound?' (answer: No...it emits a frequency...you need an ear/brain to hear a sound) Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
If language is something that interests you, I would check out Radiolab's episode on words. Part of the episode is about a deaf man that grows up with no language and learns it later in life. The breakthrough moment he had was when he realized that everything had a name. Part of what (I think) you're referencing may also deal with the Platonic Forms. Which is to say that "out there" somewhere there is a True version of a tree and that everything we call a tree is just a subpar reflection of that ideal state (along with tables, honor, energy, etc).
without any language or thought going on everything is one with itself and reality is seen as it is. Once we get into language right away there is the word "I", which creates a separateness between me and the 'external world' and all others. beyond that there are a million other concepts and descriptions, something that was once one becomes broken up into many 'things' or 'somethings' both physical and as non-physical concepts. (but of course it is just illusion that anything is actually broken up and seperated from the rest) "In the beginning there was the word" "Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven" eve eating the apple and being kicked out of the garden of eden (apple=knowledge=language) ^the bible (im not religious at all) has a lot of spiritual unveilings in it surrounding language. As people get older and their ego-self (language that creates our identity and concept of 'our' life or "I"ness) gets more complex you can see people hating other groups of people based off of concepts and all this thought-stuff which isn't even tangeable in reality. You can look at entire wars that were waged over idea/concepts/thought, its almost as if the idea exists outside of reality and nearly possess people and makes them fight! once the "I" truly believes in its own beliefs (thus keeping itself self-creating) it gets offended and scared not being right and those of another belief-system are a threat. language and symbols/concepts arising from it are extremely powerful. This is why books on enlightenment are so paradoxical as you need to see/be enlightenment with a empty mind but we have to converse in language to attempt to explain/share it, which as soon as you open your mouth BOOM your talking from within the concept of yourself again! To 'see' that concept/idea of the self from a total awareness is to liberate oneself from that which we were THINKING whom we were and come back to the source of just being completely free and boundless. Now i wonder if we all would still have the concept we call personality without language? so the word 'universe' IS just a word/concept from within this form. What actually IS is beyond what we can think or conceptualize, yet is happening all around us and is us! Perhaps language will evolve to a whole other level and change reality itself some day? Like many of the dmt 'entities' be able to manifest language or see the intentions beyond mere words
Mmm maybe I'm not putting across what I mean in the correct way, let me expand on my idea somewhat. The concept of language is something that exists in this universe, what I am suggesting is what if the concept of a "universe" for language or description to exist in, only exists in this place. Say if I was to be reborn in a different place in a next life, what if the concepts of life and death don't even exist in that place? They only exist in this one, what if all teaching in this place is simply a manifestation of things we have created in this place. I grasp what I'm suggesting is incredibly hard to get your head round, even trying to type out my idea is making it hard for me to get my head round, it gets to a point similar to what I get to when talking about DMT, words just lose meaning, it's too hard to describe. Another way I could put it then, what if I am merely watching what is happening or I simply "AM" even then, I am giving myself language to describe what I am, even saying "I am nothing" is suggesting "I am something". Is there a way of describing anything without words, without thought, without communication in any way or form and do these things, "words, thoughts communication" only exist in this place or time? or is time merely subjective to the place we are in.. This one... I feel... is a bit of a head messer upper.. One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
There are many forms of language. There is the shake of a bee's ass as it tells the other hive members where the good stuff is. Chemical signals that ants leave for other ants to follow. The nod of a dogs head, perk of its ears, how it holds it's tail. Plants give chemical messages to insects all the time, "Come over here I have pollen" or "Don't eat me or I will kill you". Ever smell a skunk? That's a powerful "Leave me alone" message there. Our cells communicate with other cells and even within the cell different components communicate with chemical messages. Hormones and other chemical constituents within our body are language that signals and communicates the needs for certain types of bodily functionality. In the same way drugs are also language. DNA is a language, as (I suspect) are quantum events. I would very much recommend reading 'The Lives of a Cell' and 'The Medusa and the Snail' by Lewis Thomas sometime for more insight into this. Images of broken light, Which dance before me like a million eyes, They call me on and on...