swimew was cleaning some hcl with dry acetone and as usual it boiled acetone with the hcl in it ( it assumes this increases the cleaning ability of acetone with less manual labor) however when it set the vessel on an angle to let the hcl settle in a corner it noticed (upon returning when it cooled to rt) some white flakes suspended in the acetone some seemed to be square shards, so it put the vessel in the fridge and noticed a slight increase in the amount of floating white shards.
the rest of the mesc was dark tan as it typically use too much hcl when salting, but these shards were close to white. mew is wondering if some portion of the mesc alkaloids are soluble in boiling acetone, as it would seem. mew cant upload a decent picture as his camera is too low grade
anyone else have experience with this?
perhaps this is the mystery hcl substance, it will be isolated and tested for solubility in water, if it is insoluble in water and dry ipa then it may be mews mystery hcl substance. if not, then it will be assayed and the results noted.
no first hand with the method, but the squarish shards sound right, I've seen that and needle like shapes and mixes between the two
Cool mew, maybe that was some hcl that dissolved in the hot acetone and then preciped out. Have they tested bitter? --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.