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Round 1 - Gibrans Tek On 50g Rue w/ Pics Options
ModeratorSenior Member
#1 Posted : 8/25/2012 6:14:10 PM
After having received a half lb. of rue seeds a few weeks ago, I decided to try out Gibrans tek on 50g rue seeds.

-Did (2) 45-minute boils w/ a tblspoon of vinegar per boil, combined, reduced to 350ml.

-Poured off into glass to base. (You'll notice in the pictures that there's some serious etching on the sides of the glass after the base was added... Wut? ) *5g NaOH to 50ml water*

- Immediately milkiness consumed the glass...andddddd Big grin

#2 Posted : 8/25/2012 6:20:35 PM
I'm with ya on this one, I just re-acidified my Rue and its filtering as I type. 10mins and I'm back into the cloudy milky goodnessSmile

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

ModeratorSenior Member
#3 Posted : 8/25/2012 6:35:28 PM
Niceeee 3rdI!

Well it turns out that the "etching" on the sides of the glass isn't etching from the base mix. I started scraping at the insides of the glass and it's all falling off! hah. Embarrased I never realized crystal formation took on that kinda form? I for sure thought that the base was screwin up the glass.
ModeratorSenior Member
#4 Posted : 8/25/2012 10:35:54 PM
Ok...have a question for either you 3rdI or any other member that's done this with rue. I'm at the acidifying step in Gibrans Tek and i added the 50ml vinegar with 150ml water once I did the 3rd wash on the base precip.

Everything is supposed to turn to salt once the acidic solution is added, no? Then any plant matter mainly will fall to the bottom? Well I added the vinegar and water to the based precip and fb alks are not converting into salts it seems?

Do I need to add more vinegar?
#5 Posted : 8/25/2012 10:48:19 PM
When I re-acidify the freebase alks I use just vinegar, no water,( I buy my vinegar in 10l jugs so its v.cheap).

You will be left with a some sediment, mine turns a cloudy reddish brown, but most should dissolve into the vinegar.

Maybe you didn't get it acidic enough, can you test the PH?

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

ModeratorSenior Member
#6 Posted : 8/25/2012 10:52:22 PM
Yeah, just did with some strips. 7-8 eeek. And yeah it's the red-brown color water. But all the freebase is still on the bottom with the plant crud.

Man, I never had an issue working with caapi..don't understand what's different with rue. Confused

Well, i'll siphon off the water/acid mix then trying adding just vinegar.

How much did you add 3rdI?
ModeratorSenior Member
#7 Posted : 8/26/2012 1:05:46 PM

I poured even more vinegar into the solution and the ph is definitely within range, yet there is still what looks like "freebase xtals" collected on the bottom along with the insoluble impurities. Confused

Since the ph is in range I'm just going to filter it off through a funnel/paper towel into another jar and attempt to do the 2nd basing and see what comes out.

#8 Posted : 8/26/2012 1:15:21 PM
If you take it to a ph of 3/4 then anything thats left can be disgarded, it looks lime freebase hamala precip but I don't think it is.

I do my work in a 1l measuring jug and tend to add around 6/700ml of vinegar when acidifying, its probably over kill but like I said vinegar is cheap.


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

ModeratorSenior Member
#9 Posted : 8/26/2012 3:15:11 PM

- Since I used an excess of vinegar to make sure the ph was within range I ended up having alot of liquid so I split it into two jars.

- Weighed up 20g of lye in around 200ml water. Split that between both jars.

- Both jars are now within 12+ according to the ph papers. Smile


ModeratorSenior Member
#10 Posted : 8/27/2012 2:33:10 PM
Welll, I did multiple polar washes on the freebase, between a 7-8 ph.

Dried the alks over a hotplate on low setting.

Anddd.. Big grin

Very light tan, ever so slightly with a brown tinge

Have not weighed yet.

#11 Posted : 8/27/2012 3:09:41 PM
good work.

time to learn to Manske

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

ModeratorSenior Member
#12 Posted : 8/27/2012 6:29:16 PM
3rdI wrote:
good work.

time to learn to Manske

Meh, I'm not too worried regarding the Manske step. Vasicine and vasicinone seem to show antispasmodic, bronchodilator, and mucolytic effects. Plus the fact of them being in pretty low concentrations in comparison to the harmine/harmaline content. I mean, unless your prego...then I don't see much of an issue. Smile

*Just took 25mg subling. interesting in comparison to subling caapi alkaloids in that theres a slightly heavier body load. Not as "lite" as caapi alkaloids it seems. But VEERY nice and relaxing to say the least. The 25mg rue alkaloids feels "stronger" in effects compared to 25mg caapi alkaloids. I'm guessing it's the increased harmaline content.

cheers Thumbs up
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