behindthelight wrote:Can't remember where I found it, but it seems so simple, can it actually be that good?
Making a tea, then letting decant in the fridge overnight, throw the bottom particles away, then saturate solution with salt (36g per 100ml), then into the fridge overnight again, now you throw the liquid away and keep the solids. These are harmalas hcl, without the possibly toxic vasicine vasicinone. Also there will be some salt together. To clean further, just redissolve in pure water, basify with ammonia or sodium carbonate, and let precipitate again, keeping whatever precipitates and throwing away the water. Now you will have harmalas freebase, without any salt contamination
-------------------------------------- yup - it can be that simple.
But this tek looks so simple because it skimps on the details. Try it and you'll see that in practice it is not less complicated compared to the other teks.
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